The baptismal flood waters of a South Bristol roundabout are slowly receding this week - finally - after council workers began efforts to clear the blocked drains and pump the water out.
Last week, the flooding of the underpasses and footpaths across the Hartcliffe Way roundabout was so deep that a man enjoyed a full immersion baptism, conducted by local street preacher BJ Walsh, in scenes which went viral on social media around the world.
That triggered Bristol City Council into action, four months after local councillors said they had begun complaining that the drainage system inside the underpasses had broken.
Read more: Man baptised in flooded roundabout underpass in South Bristol
And when Bristol Live visited on Monday, a week and a day after the now-famous Christian dunking in the not-so crystal clear waters of Hartcliffe, we found things were changing and the waters were receding - albeit at a slightly slower pace than if Moses was involved.
There were no council workers on site in the roundabout on Monday afternoon, and the water was still deep enough to maybe baptise a baby, although another full immersion baptism was now out of the question as the waters began to recede.

A spokesperson for Bristol City Council confirmed that work had started, but it would take a while.
"Work has started to clear the flood water," she said. "It’s not going to be a quick fix and we expected it would take at least three working to pump out the water. Once the flood water is cleared work will the start to clear the blockage," she added.
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