Ollie Fuller has become a social media sensation for his super-excited reaction to Harry Styles taking the stage at a concert in Melbourne.
Ollie, of Birmingham Gardens, went to the concert with mum Emily Fuller on his 9th birthday.
"He didn't know about it until the evening before," Emily said. "We were up at 3.30am on Saturday to jump on the plane and go to Melbourne for the show."
As Harry came on stage, Emily caught his authentic reaction. She hadn't let on that she pressed record.
With his stylish green glasses and feather boa [common accessories at Harry concerts, not to mention the glitter and sequins], Ollie screamed and yelled "Harry, Harry" before joining in to sing the first song.
The video attracted almost 200,000 views on TikTok. Comments to the video included: "He is all of us. Never change little man."
"I'm crying. The way his face lit up, you could see the joy when Harry came on stage."
"Goosebumps for this kid ... ADORABLE."
"This young man is my spirit child!"

As for Emily, she is known for her love of music - especially the band Hanson [who famously sang MMMBop and, of course, many other good songs].
She started a campaign called Bring Hanson to Newcastle, along with former Newcastle Herald reporter Helen Gregory and Samantha Nay.
Emily and Helen have a big weekend in store. They're going to see both Harry Styles concerts in Sydney on Friday and Saturday, and the Backstreet Boys on Sunday.
When Ollie found out that his mum didn't get him a ticket for a Sydney show, he was very disappointed. That's when she came up with the idea to go to Melbourne with him.
Great present, that.
Is Harry That Good Looking?
Topics cheekily asked Harry Styles fans, is he really that good looking?
"In short ... yes. There's something about him," Helen said.
We also asked Emily, but she wasn't having it.
"I don't want any snippets in the paper of what I think of Harry Styles," she quipped.
"My crazy fandom has been covered enough in the Newcastle Herald. We've already appeared on the Topics page a couple of times."
Crazy fandom? Don't be so hard on yourself, Emily. The word crazy never entered our mind. We swear.
Anyhow, as we pondered the question about Harry's looks, we were sent an article from Grazia headlined: "Science confirms what you already knew about Harry Styles - He's really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking".
Researchers at the "Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery" examined male celebrities to determine the most symmetrical faces. Harry scored highly for his "eyes and chin".
Well then, the eyes have it.
Melbourne to Toronto
Harry Styles has been singing Daryl Braithwaite's iconic The Horses song at some Australian shows.
Daryl said on social media that he saw Harry sing Horses at the Melbourne gig, saying it was "overwhelming and so enjoyable".
Daryl added that he "made it home and then had the best Caprettos gig at the Toronto Hotel - Lake Macquarie".
The Caprettos, in case you don't know, is a band that also includes Daryl's fellow ARIA hall-of-famer Russell Morris.
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