Listen, I'll never tell anyone that they shouldn't pop wheelies. I will remind folks of the fact that wheelies are generally considered illegal in most states, though. So, like, maybe don't do them on the street.
What I absolutely will tell you is if you don't know how to do a wheelie safely, are riding with a bunch of other folks, and can't see what's in front of you, maybe don't pretend you're a 12 o'clock boy?
Alas, not everyone is born with commonsense, as such is the case of the video below which shows what appears to be a group ride of stunters and cruisers alike. But things take a drastic left turn as, almost immediately, a Harley rider who popped their front end up careens straight into another Harley rider who was also popping a wheelie, and the two, well, they crash. Hard.
Take a look.
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It's a calamity of errors, more so on the rider who crashed into the other.
Like, where were you going? How didn't you see the other motorcyclist? Why weren't you looking for others after you got your front tire off the ground? Seriously, you're riding with a bunch of other folks, like a lot of other riders, and you're just out here not watching? What's wrong with you?
I get shit happens, but this ain't that. They're clearly showing off their 12 o'clock "skills," dragging the rear fender, and showboating. They just don't know what they're doing outside of that, though.
And for those who see the other rider who had just popped their front tire up as part of the problem, they legit did nothing wrong in this situation. Other than, you know, likely breaking the law. After they threw their own wheelie, they stayed straight and within their zone. They didn't weave.
The other motorcyclist, however, just comes in from the side like they're screaming "HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!" and takes them both out.
Come on, dude, if you can't control your wheelie, don't freakin' wheelie.