Happy Valley's most fearless cop she may be, but even Sarah Lancashire herself on the other end of the law sometimes. The Sergeant Catherine Cawood actor from BBC One's megahit drama received a parking ticket in west London.
The Oldham-born actress, 58, was spotted peeling a parking ticket off her car windscreen. Tickets are doled out to drivers like Sarah for leaving their cars on a street with no parking allowed between the hours of 8am and 6.30pm from Monday to Saturday.
It's been reported that she also parked with her wheels on the pavement, reports the Manchester Evening News. The BAFTA Award-winning star was wrapped up warm in a black puffer coat over a blue shirt and jeans as she returned to the vehicle.
Former Coronation Street star Sarah, who shot to fame as bubbly Raquel Wolstenhulme in the ITV soap, was seen as Happy Valley fans eagerly await the final ever episode. There is now just one episode left, with the ending filmed in multiple ways.
Actor Amit Shah, who plays pharmacist Faisal Bhatti, said on the Obsessed with…Happy Valley podcast. "I still don’t know how it all ends up for him because we filmed the final scenes in various different ways."
And Rhys Connah, who plays teenager Ryan in the series, shut down claims that there is more than one ending, instead clarifying that the final scenes have been filmed in different ways.

"A lot of the theories are a bit stupid, so sometimes I do laugh," he told the BBC. "But sometimes when they're saying random stuff, one of them will list five different plot points, all of which happened exactly, and I'm just like…" [keeping a straight face]. But he definitely doesn't know how it ends.
"I do not know exactly how it ends. I did hear somewhere that they've made multiple endings, but that's not true," he said. "What they've done is, as a lot of shows do – there is one ending, but they've filmed it in different ways, different ways of how characters say things, the emotions behind them, the angles, the framing, because how much that stuff can affect a scene is more than most people would think."
During the penultimate episode on Sunday night (January 29), viewers saw the aftermath of psychopath Tommy Lee Royce's escape from court as he prepared to stand trial for murder. Ryan turned up at his uncle Daniel and Ann Gallagher's door, and she let rip over a glass of wine and told him Tommy had raped his mum Becky, that he was raised from being a baby following her suicide by his granny Catherine despite never being wanted by the rest of the family.
There was then a heart-wrenching moment when Ryan told his granny Catherine he loved her. But as Daniel, Ann, Clare, Neil, Nevison, Richard and Ros were all hiding, and waiting for news of Tommy's capture, they were completely unaware that Tommy was making direct contact with Ryan via their games consoles and asking him to join him to start a new life in Marbella.
As fans held their breath over Ryan's decision they think the 16-year-old's future was sealed in his exchange with Tommy. They clocked that when Ryan told his granny he loved her, she didn't say it back. But when he chatted to his dad he told Ryan he loved him.
@shahin_lisa tweeted: "So Ryan tells his granny that he loves her. She doesn’t say it BUT Tommy voluntarily tells Ryan he loves him. #HappyValley That’s going to seal it for Ryan." And @Stepharrnee tweeted: "Tommy told Ryan he loved him when Catherine didn't. I do think Ryan is setting Tommy up though."