Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s son Taimur Ali Khan turns three on December 20. Ever since Taimur was born in December 2016, he has been in the media spotlight. He has been papped from day one - straight from the hospital. Be it his outings with his parents or sightings at the airport, the little boy has been constantly in the news. His pictures are uploaded on social media by fans, family members and Kareena’s team.
Needless to say, the pictures get viral in no time -- be it from Kareena and Saif’s vacations abroad, family time at their ancestral home in Pataudi or in Mumbai.
Earlier, Kareena had been asked about Taimur's birthday plans. She had revealed that he demanded two cakes this year. A Mumbai Mirror report quoted her as saying, “Taimur’s birthday plans, we are going to be here (in Mumbai). I’ll be promoting the film and Saif is here. We will be spending time with the family. He will have a small little get together with 8-10 of his friends. He definitely has demanded two cakes and not one. He is a Kapoor (laughs). He is like, ‘I want two cakes. One Santa and one hulk’. I said, ‘Why two?’, he is like ‘Two!’”
The little boy often accompanies his parents, more so, his mother Kareena for her shoots. Speaking about it, Kareena had said during the 17th Hindustan Times Leadership Summit about how he was with her during the shoot of Veere Di Wedding as well as the shoot of Laal Singh Chaddha in Chandigarh. She said, “The film went on to become a success and my son came along with me to the shoot and I think that was the best decision as well. He has to know that his mother works. He has to respect the fact that both his parents work. Saif was like, if you want to continue, take him with you and keep him close. Let him know what you do. And that’s what he has done, he is a brave, brave boy. He has come back from a 20-day shoot for Laal Singh Chaddha all over Punjab. And I shoot for 8 hours, rush back to put him to bed and I have a wonderful actor and producer - Aamir Khan, who supports me. That’s what a working mother and a working actor should be. I think things are changing in our world.”
In the initial days, Kareena and Saif were okay with the paparazzi taking pictures and videos of their son. But as Taimur grew older, the constant presence of cameramen outside their residence began to take a toll on the family. There have been times when Saif has spoken angrily to photographers.
In April last year, after Taimur was clicked incessantly by photographers, Saif had retorted sharply: “Stop it, the child will go blind.” Later, talking about police clearing paparazzi from outside his house in April, he had said: “Yes, the cops cleared the paparazzi because someone complained. Not me. I can’t say I feel kindly about their presence, because 10 people lounging about outside your house waiting for a shot of your kid is disturbing to say the least. I didn’t complain because I don’t want to deprive anyone of a job.” Saif, though, has a request for the photographers: “Please don’t stalk Taimur. He is not a star. He is just a child.”
The craze, however, refuses to die down. So much so, that Kareena is now being asked about her second child. She had told Mumbai Mirror, “There is no good news related to a second child in my life. Both Saif and I are happy with our kid Taimur Ali Khan. As of now, we don’t have any plans for a second child. We both are very busy with our work and are trying to balance our professional and personal lives.”
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