Bollywood’s jumping jack, Jeetendra is celebrating his 75th birthday on Thursday. Jeetendra is now a full-time producer with his wife and daughter taking care of TV shows and films produced under the Balaji Films banner.
He made his Bollywood debut with Shantaram’s Geet Gaya Paththaro Ne (1964). But it was in Farz (1967) that he wore the now-famous white shoes for the first time. Those shoes went on to become a fashion statement after the song Mast Baharo Ka Main Aashiq became a hit. Jeetendra also showed a humble and quiet side to him when he collaborated with Gulzar in films like Parichay, Kinara and Khusboo. However, he is still remembered for his unique dancing style.
From slithery, snake-like moves to mixing dance and sports, we take a look at some of his most popular numbers. Don’t miss these moves which are straight out of the old-era PT classes.
1. Naino Mein Sapna, Himmatwala (1983)
2. Tohfa Tohfa, Tohfa (1984)
3. Taki O Taki, Himmatwala (1983)
4. Tere Sang Pyar Main Nahi, Nagin (1976)
5. Mast Baharo Ka Main Aashiq, Farz (1967)
6. Dhal Gaya Din, Humjoli (1970)