As a child of the internet who came of age in the 2010s, I’ve seen A LOT of hilarious, often embarrassing viral content. It’s as normal to me as breathing or eating breakfast; things I tend to do while still endlessly scrolling through the various addictive algorithms of Instagram, Twitter (I refuse to call it X), TikTok, YouTube and whatever other social media app is having a hazy moment in the sun. Remember Vine? RIP.
With all of that in mind, narrowing it down to just 10 things that earn the title of “funniest I’ve ever seen” was like asking me to pick a favourite Taylor Swift era or something. It’s cruel, but for the sake of your feeds and the fact that laughing is really easy exercise (I hate cardio) here are my 10 funniest things I’ve seen on the internet:
1. Buzz and the dandelions
Oh God. The joy I get from watching this video. The surprised, glorious laugh of Buzz over and over again, which can only happen when everything in the world, including blowing away dandelion seeds, is shiny, new and hilarious. I also love the plot twist that the dad is actually Tom from the band McFly!!! Whatever happened to them? Where did they go?
2. ‘It’s a fucking goat!’
There’s something about kids using swear words (especially in the appropriate context and place) that gets me every time. I just think it’s hilarious that their sponge-like brains soak up the stuff we definitely don’t want them to. But there are honestly so many layers of comedy. The mother’s Kiwi accent. The fact there’s no explanation of what the goat is doing there in the first place. The attempt to stop the little girl from swearing. The doubling down. The stifled laugh. It’s just gold.
3. Taylor Swift after laser eye surgery
As a pretty serious Taylor fan, I’ve consumed lots of hilarious content where Dr/Director Swift is concerned but this takes the cake. I’m always terrified after medical procedures that people are going to film me high on pain medication and that’s exactly what happened here. What makes it even funnier is Taylor’s complete shock and surprise at the video existing and Jimmy Fallon having it. Honourable mention to the quote: “I’m not asleep, my mind is alive.” The mantra of uni students, creatives and startup owners everywhere.
4. Billy Connolly on algebra
This will always have a special place in my heart as the first piece of standup to make me laugh so hard I cried as a struggling high school maths student. I still don’t understand why we learned algebra. How can we ever use it in the real world? Also, Billy Connolly is one of the comedy greats and, truthfully, this list could just be 10 videos of his best bits.
5. Scottish elevator – voice recognition
Continuing my love affair with Scottish comedy, I had to include this classic which still makes me cackle every time. It could be because after years of being surrounded by Irish and Scottish accents thanks to my dad’s family and friends, I know the unique struggles with voice recognition for people from this part of the world. Never ask my dad to order a taxi over the phone or a Scottish mate to order a takeaway pizza. It just won’t work.
6. Greg Davies’ washing machine story
I know. I know. You’re thinking, you had to go for the cheap laugh Hannah and put an explosive poo story in here but believe me, this one is worth it. The fact he washed his mum’s undies, wore those, had the curry incident and then did it all while having a microphone on for deaf kids? Hilarious. It’s also made by the fact Ryan Gosling is absolutely losing it while listening.
7. Irish man leaves funny recording for his funeral
The first time I saw this, I didn’t know whether to be horrified or laugh hysterically. Laughing won out and now I’ve got it earmarked as something I’ll be doing for my loved ones, when I’m old and grey. You’ve been warned!
8. The Rock and Kevin Hart’s Tortilla Slap Challenge
When my sisters showed me the Tortilla Slap Challenge, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. And then I watched Kevin Hart and the Rock do it, and I understood. It’s everything about this video. The music. The captions. The size difference. Kevin’s genuine fear. A masterpiece.
9. Leonardo DiCaprio and military time
Me explaining military time: So it goes up to 24 and then it starts again from the beginning
— Adam Carnevale? (@RetroArchetype) September 2, 2022
Leonardo DiCaprio: Sounds perfect.
Ah Twitter. This is why I loved you (before you were bought by that Evil Overlord). Sharp, witty and clever in your cultural commentary. Drag Leo for his relationship history. I had a good giggle at this one.
10. ‘Rekindle a dead bedroom’

God bless Hannah Ferguson and her commitment to answering questions men are usually too afraid to ask. But goddamn if her misinterpretation of a guy asking how to rekindle his dead bedroom as wanting design tips instead of sex advice isn’t the funniest thing that I’ve witnessed one of my friends do in ages (and in front of thousands on Instagram). For the full, hilarious impact, go to Cheek Media’s Instagram and click on the highlight called “rekindle”. You’re welcome.
Hannah Diviney’s memoir I’ll Let Myself In is out now (Allen & Unwin, $32.99)