Australians love to drink, so it’s safe to assume many are familiar with the dreaded hangover.
Whether you’re sipping a cocktail and sitting in the sun with friends, or on the beers while watching the cricket – you need a game plan for the next day.
To be completely honest, there’s not a lot of science around to suggest one hangover cure is the one, or if any actually work.
Perhaps it’s best people just don’t drink at all (but that’s not going to happen), so The New Daily has compiled a list of popular hangover cures – just in case.

Why do I have a hangover?
“A hangover is a group of unpleasant signs and symptoms that can develop after drinking too much alcohol,” the Mayo Clinic explains.
The more you drink, the more likely you are to get a hangover.
The symptoms vary from person-to-person – but typical symptoms include, fatigue, nausea, headaches.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism explains there are a number of factors that contribute to a hangover such as mild dehydration, disrupted sleep, gastrointestinal irritation, inflammation, acetaldehyde exposure and mini-withdrawal.
Hair of the dog?
Harvard Medical School actually has a list of steps you can take if you are hungover and one of the suggestions came from a researcher called Dr. Robert Swift.
That suggestion is “hair of the dog”, or just drinking more to subside the hangover. It helps with withdrawal symptoms, right?
However, Harvard did note Dr Swift does not advise drinking more to remedy a hangover, with him saying it just “perpetuates a cycle” and does not allow for you to recover.
One popular drink many swear by the morning after a big night is a Bloody Mary.
Some love the vodka-based cocktail, but you could even make an immaculate virgin concoction and that might work even better.

Hydrate: Get a Berocca or a Gatorade
When Berocca finally made its way to the US in 2014 it was touted at the best hangover cure.
Berocca doesn’t position itself as a hangover cure but people swear by the effervescent tablets.
Similarly, some people might even have a Gatorade or Powerade in the fridge ready to go for when they get home drunk.
Filled with electrolytes, these sorts of sports drink might help hydrate you, but the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) says there’s no research to suggest they will help fight a hangover.
“Research has not found a correlation between the extent of electrolyte disruptions and the severity of hangovers, or the impact of added electrolytes on hangover severity,” the NIAA says.
“In most people, the body will quickly restore electrolyte balance once the effects of alcohol subside.”

Eat some carbs
Some good news for anyone who loves a greasy, carb-filled breakfast.
In that same article from the Harvard Medical School, it suggests eating some carbs.
“Drinking may lower blood sugar levels, so theoretically some of the fatigue and headaches of a hangover may be from a brain working without enough of its main fuel,” the article explained.
“Moreover, many people forget to eat when they drink, further lowering their blood sugar. Toast and juice is a way to gently nudge levels back to normal.”

Salt is the secret
During the evening, many experts say to avoid salty snacks because they make people thirsty and encourage them to drink more than they perhaps should.
But the morning after, salt is one of the best things for a hangover.
Salt, or sodium, is a critical electrolyte that helps to deliver hydration to our bodies, and can also help retain hydration.
Some hangover experts recommend adding half a level teaspoon of salt to a litre of water to sip on throughout the day.
Power of pickles
You know which delicious food contains a truckload of salt?
Yes, if you’re a fan of pickled goods, they could be the answer to your hangover.
Not only do pickles contain the aforementioned salty benefits, but pickles contain potassium and electrolytes – which your body loses when you’re on a holiday bender.
Much of Central Europe leans on the power of pickles to beat hangovers.
Hungary’s “korhelyleves” is a soup made of sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage, and is traditionally consumed on New Year’s Day.
Recipes for korhelyleves vary, but most are filled with plenty of sauerkraut, sour cream, cured meats (like ham and chorizo) and plenty of spices.
Not only does korhelyleves translate to “drunken soup”, it also means “lucky soup” – supposedly bringing good luck to anyone that eats it.
But if you don’t have enough time to whip up a soup, you could always try eating your baked breakfast with a side of pickles, or slurp down some pickle juice.

Fish is a great source of antioxidants, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help soothe inflammation.
Norwegians swear by salty, cured seafood to get over their hangovers.
There’s one salted cod recipe called lutefisk, which they hold near and dear.
To prepare, they soak cod in water for six days, before soaking for an additional two days in a solution of water and lye.
The lye breaks down the proteins in the fish, causing it to take on a gelatinous texture.
After more soaking in cold water, the fish is ready to be cooked, and is traditionally served with potatoes, peas, bacon and beer.
The salt and antioxidants in the fish work their magic, while the excess oils are supposed to help soak up last night’s booze.

In Peru, they also trust fish to cure their bad decisions.
“Leche de tigre” is a hugely-popular hangover remedy consisting of citrus, garlic, brine and ceviche (or leftover fish parts).
While this one might be a little hard to swallow, Peruvians swear by the fish as an almighty hangover cure.
But yes, it is a bit intense for the morning after. So we suggest maybe finding another way to incorporate fish into your diet.
Whether that’s by eating a salmon steak for lunch the next day, or chowing down on some prawns. The ocean’s the limit, really.

Get some sleep
If you don’t really need to get out of bed, why bother?
Drinking alcohol can disrupt your sleep, so if you’re groggy after a big night and you don’t need to get up and do things, just try sleeping it off.