Pupils at a Lanarkshire primary school have stepped up their anti-litter campaign as more members of the community get involved.
The St John’s Primary children have been determined to clean up Hamilton after raising particular concerns around the Bent Park area which neighbours the school.
Earlier this year, the youngsters wrote to the Hamilton Advertiser in a bid to make residents more aware of the problem.
And since then, they have broadened their campaign to the wider community and managed to get more people involved in their litter picks.
Last week the pupils were joined by parents, carers and teachers as they came together to discard the dumped rubbish.
And also on hand to help was Lanarkshire MSP Monica Lennon who was keen to get involved after the kids wrote to her.

She and the team set off around the school grounds on the clear-up mission.
Monica told Lanarkshire Live : “It was great to visit St John’s Primary School and get involved with other volunteers to help clean up the community.
“The children were really enthusiastic about their litter picking and are determined to keep the area in and around the school clear of rubbish.
"Once again, the Rights Respecting Committee have shown great initiative.

"Keep Scotland Beautiful also provided support , including the excellent costumes that made everyone smile.
“A huge well done to all the volunteers who made the community litter pick a huge success."
The St John's Primary pupils' campaign has so far been a great success as they continue their mission to keep Hamilton tidy.
They wrote: “We really want to make this environment a better place for the next generations of Hamilton.”
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