Halle Berry just turned 57 and looks incredible—this is not up for discussion. But, like all of us, Berry admits “Let me tell you, I am aging,” which she opened up about during an Instagram Live on Sunday, makeup free and fielding questions from fans. “I’m going down fighting,” she said.
Berry was on Instagram Live discussing her new “side hustle” as chief communication officer for Pendulum, a probiotic company of which Berry said “I love, love, love. I loved it so much I reached out to the company and asked to be a part of it.”

“I’m going to accept that aging, I’m going to keep doing all my supplements,” she said. Per People, Berry said that “probiotics are a big part” of how she’s adjusted her lifestyle; she said she uses them to help “metabolize my food.”
“My sugar’s better so that I stay healthy,” said Berry, who is diabetic. “That’s how we fight that in 2023.” Berry added she takes “a ton of vitamins” including “calcium for my bones” as “we go down that path of life.”

“I’m pretty much a pharmacy,” she joked. Because of her diabetes, Berry has avoided processed sugar, and “I think that’s helped me over the years, actually, as well,” she said. “Having that disease has actually made me healthier than many people that I actually know, because I’ve always been very mindful of that.”
Berry opened up to Women’s Health recently, telling the outlet “I’m my best self now.” She added “I have the most to offer. I have zero blanks to give anymore. I’m solidly in my womanhood. I finally realize what I have to say is valuable, even if no one else agrees.”

Oscar winner Berry has been in a relationship with Grammy-winning musician Van Hunt since 2020 and has two children, Nahla Ariela and Maceo-Robert. As she enters a new stage of her life, “I am challenging everything I thought I knew about menopause,” she said. “Things like: ‘Your life is over.’ ‘You are disposable.’ ‘Society no longer has a place for you.’ ‘You should retire.’ ‘You should pack it up.’ The most important thing about owning your sexuality as a woman is accepting the station you’re at—and embracing that. Own wherever you are. That’s where I’m at.”

Still, like any of us, she’ll take a compliment from anyone who wants to praise her on her youthful appearance. After a follower on Instagram Live told her she looked 30, she replied “Bless you. God bless you!”