The time has come: Hall Brawl has finally made its long-awaited appearance on The Challenge: World Championship.
The elimination challenge is one of the most famous of The Challenge franchise, and for good reason: the brutally physical comp has two competitors having to run from two opposite ends through an incredibly narrow hallway, wresting and wrenching their way past the other player to ring a bell at the other end. The player who rings their bell first in the best two out of three heats wins the elimination.
The Challenge host T.J. Lavin has previously called Hall Brawl his "all-time favorite game" from the competition series, and it's a hit (pun intended) with longtime viewers as well. With this week's elimination being the last one before the big final, it was the perfect time for producers to roll out the Brawl to narrow The Challenge: World Championship cast down to the four final teams of the season.
On the May 10 episode, Team Australia competitors Troy and Kaycee are sent into elimination early on after being sabotaged by Yes and Emily. However, that move comes back to bite them in the butt when a house stalemate seemingly gives the nomination vote to this week's winning team, Sarah and Theo. That is, until T.J. unleashes yet another twist: given that Sarah and Theo are automatically in the final due to their win this week, the nomination vote will instead go to the bottom team, Troy and Kaycee.
Unsurprisingly, they decide to exact revenge and choose Emily and Yes to join them in the Hall Brawl. "Day one, she's been against Australia," Troy says of Emily. "If you want to get us out, come down here and do it yourself. That's the stage I'm at, I'm over it... this is karma."
Yes believes he has the advantage over Troy when it comes to height and weight, but the Aussie has got fight in him: "I'm only 5-foot 7, I only weigh 60 kilos. Everybody's like, 'Oh, he's so small.' I'm just do driven to prove everybody wrong, to show that size isn't everything." And he did exactly that, beating Yes to the bell in the Brawl's first round.
The women were up next, with Emily taking the win in the second set, leaving a tense tie-breaker for the final round. A coin toss decides that the women will brawl a second time. After a literal smackdown between the two, Kaycee scrambled to her bell for a spot at the finals, leaving Emily sobbing on the ground. "It doesn't get much closer than that," T.J. says upon Kaycee and Troy's win.
"I don't know what's running through Emily's head right now but I know she's sour. But stuff her, we won, this is what you get. Get stuffed!" Troy proclaims, Kaycee adding: "It's just the cherry on top. Mwah!"
Hopefully they can keep up that adrenaline, because T.J. announced that the final challenge would begin right then and there. "Banged up and bruised, going straight into a final. No rest!" Troy yells.
The Challenge fans react to the return of Hall Brawl:
#HallBrawl is such an entertaining elimination Let's see who gets busted. #TheChallengeWorldChampionshipMay 10, 2023
Hall Brawl should be a professional sport.May 10, 2023
Ten episodes in and we FINALLYYYYY get the good ol' fashioned head banger, a Hall Brawl. I've been waiting on this, LET'S FREAKIN GO!!!! #TheChallengeWorldChampionshipMay 10, 2023
Hall brawl for all the marbles #ChallengeWorldChamp pic.twitter.com/DQxX8SJPRlMay 10, 2023
Not The Challenge forcing 45 year old, good vibes Yes into a Hall Brawl!! They nasty for that. #TheChallengeWorldChampionship pic.twitter.com/m2jOMBfvJFMay 10, 2023
The final elimination is the one everyone waits for…HALL BRAWL#TheChallengeWorldChampionshipMay 10, 2023
you’d think the professional football player would’ve dominated a hall brawl😭 #TheChallengeWorldChampMay 10, 2023
HALL BRAWL FINALLY #TheChallengeMay 10, 2023
With the cast getting older on #TheChallenge I think it's time to retire the hall brawl eliminationThe show was wrong for putting @actvstArchitect into that thing lolI'm 37 and if I had to do a hall brawl I think I'd just quit. It's not worth the potential long-term damageMay 10, 2023
Emily Vs kaycee was a good hall brawlMay 10, 2023
The Challenge: World Championship releases new episodes every Wednesday exclusively on Paramount Plus.