When it comes to our hair there are many ways we can cause damage and end up with split ends from using too much heat on it without adequate protection to not getting regular trims.
We recently also discovered how washing your hair incorrectly can cause damage and now it turns out that making a mistake with your hair brush can also have negative consequences.
According to two hair experts, using the wrong type of brush can damage your hair.
Ricky Walters, the owner of SALON64 in London told The Mirror how using a ceramic or metal brush can "fry" your luscious locks.

He said: "Ever question why you keep getting split ends but unsure where they came from? Chances are your brush could be the answer to just this.
"Ceramic and metal brushes get hot hot hot! Combine this with a hairdryer on full blast and your hair could end up getting fried.
"Try switching to a natural bristle brush. This doesn't conduct heat even when faced with the hottest hairdryer and leaves hair looking glossy and silky."
This advice was seconded by Susie Hammond, a Consultant Trichologist for Philip Kingsley in London, who urges people to use wooden brushes instead of metal ones, opting for vented ones with holes in the back if possible.

"I want you to think about every tool that you use on your hair and hairbrushes are no exception," she proclaimed.
"We use wooden brushes at the Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic and they're all vented, they've got little holes in them so they don't heat up so much during the blowdry and radiate so much heat back onto the hair.
"And with big paddle brushes, if they're vented you can blow the hairdryer through the brush as you're drying to minimise the amount of time the heat is directly on the hair, so they're much kinder to the hair."
The expert added: "The wooden paddle brushes also have widely spaced bristles with little bobbles on the end, these are kinder to the hair shaft, they tear a lot less at the hair cuticle and don't scratch up the scalp as much.
"Using the right brushes really will help you look after the health of your hair."
Hammond also claimed the correct way to brush your hair in order to minimise damage was to start from the bottom and work your way up the hair to the top of your head, instead of brushing straight down from the top.

This comes after hair stylist and expert colourist Gareth Williams told The Mirror how a mistake upon arrival at a salon appointment can mess up the chances of achieving your dream look.
If you're having your hair coloured, he claims you need to arrive with hair that's not too greasy and not too clean.
The biggest blunder he sees customers make is arriving with greasy hair because they knew they were going to get it washed by their hairdresser.
Similarly, arriving with hair that's freshly washed could also be an error.
Instead, you want to aim for hair that's "not too clean, but it's definitely not greasy", perhaps washing your hair a day or two before your appointment.
He explained: "The reason it would be bad to arrive at the salon with greasy hair is that when you're applying colour to the hair you'll have to break through this grease as an initial barrier.
"When you have clean hair, this barrier isn't present, so the product can fully penetrate through the hair fibre and you'll be able to achieve the results you desire."
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