Regarding Trump fulfilling what he had promised in his first term? No, he didn’t. Remember he ran as the representor of the masses in his first term? What was his first step? Cut taxes on the rich (something he’s done again, by the way).
He talked about “draining the swamp”. Didn’t do it at all, in fact brought his family into the fall.
No wars? Well, broke the Iran nuclear deal that Obama had brokered (also the Abrahamic Accords that led to October 7).
Remember the wall? Well, there’s no wall.
Being a free speech messiah? Well, filed multiple cases against CNN and heck, even Bill Maher (over a joke). If you’ve noticed, the US media is going its ‘godification’ as well. The orange orangutan learns from the ‘fakeer’, it seems, using different pseudonyms because ‘anonymous’ is boring
Had seen Manisha’s post questioning why air pollution is not an issue in the Delhi elections. Well, because the incentive structure is hardly in place for it, a larger bucket that these politicians are targeting are ones for whom air quality is just too high on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The middle class is probably the least reliable voter anyway, and a portion of them are anyway radicalised.
So, while I appreciate the attempt you’re making at questioning authority…Give it three or four months and you’ll be questioning how just 10-15 minutes of rain can flood Delhi NCR. Until the middle class becomes a reliable voter and marches out on the streets, this will stay. And last I checked, India’s middle class was actually shrinking.
Appreciate the work you’re doing :)
Hi NL team, I love your podcasts and I want to thank you for sparking my interest in politics and helping me develop perspectives on current affairs.
I have a couple of conundrums I’d love to hear your thoughts on, especially from Abhinandan, though I’d appreciate insights from the whole team.
1) Women’s dress code in temples: Should women be judged for what they wear to temples? I often support my wife in wearing what she’s comfortable in, but where do we draw the line? If skirts are acceptable, why not a bikini? Who decides what is “appropriate”?
2) Immigration laws: Should all immigrants be welcomed? If so, what happens when demographics shift drastically, potentially leading to conflicts like Palestine and Israel? If immigration should be restricted, where does humanity factor in?
Keep doing what you are doing ♥️
Parag Deb
Dear Newslaundry team,
I’m writing my first letter in six years as a loyal subscriber. I am puzzled by the Kumbh Mela ritual where millions take a dip in holy water to gain spirituality. How can bathing in water that might be polluted lead to true spiritual cleansing? As a believer and, quote-unquote, technical Hindu, I find it hard to understand how dipping in unclean water can bring about inner purity.
I am not trying to criticise, but rather to seek an explanation of this ancient practice in today’s world. How does this ritual work to generate spirituality despite the water’s imperfections? I would appreciate any insight you can provide on this curious mix of faith and modern challenges.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my questions and for your continuous thoughtful reporting.
Parag aka Irish Bengali :)
For all the people who have gotten this far for maybe another free episode of Hafta, I request you all to please subscribe to Newslaundry (if it isn’t free, please keep this free as well). As a customer, I have never been this satisfied, especially with the ground reports, for example the latest Kumbh Mela to Delhi elections. I highly appreciate the NL leadership for taking feedback seriously and so, please pay to keep news free! My best effort to get people to subscribe so all the reporters get a raise!
I have used my 150 words on South Central, please give that a read too.
Peri Sai Teja
Many Abhinandans to the NL team (pun intended),
Thanks for reading my loophole ridden letter last week. Though this too is a handwritten letter, I assure you that care has been taken to respect the 150-word limit.
Issue 1:
Blame needs to be placed as much at the “bhakts/people/devotees” who have gotten drunk on this dharm ka nasha as the administration. Why otherwise would anyone go to dip oneself in an otherwise polluted river in crowded circumstances? Wouldn’t taking a regular bath in one’s house, keeping mann clean and praying at the local temple not suffice?
Issue 2:
I came across The Media Rumble discussion of Madhu Trehan and Arun Poorie on August 7, 2018 where everyone is singing a different tune compared to their actions. Madhu often praised her brother for maintaining distance from the government of the time. Who is hoodwinked here – Madhu herself or subscribers/listeners?
Thanks, Anand, for your recommendation last week. I read George Orwell’s essay A Hanging. It was very heart-warming to hear “life in full flow” being attributed to a person about to be killed via hanging. That’s the empathy which is lacking in our world. Anand it is precisely this lack of empathy which is not nurtured or encouraged in our society, which produces violent criminals. I think someone should interview Anand.
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