Body odour is definitely something we want to avoid at all times.
But in the summer months when we're naturally all sweating a little bit more, it's hard to banish it altogether.
Even the most freshly showered of us all will probably fall foul of some unusual smells from time to time.
And it can be really hard to find the perfect deodorant that really works and doesn't cost the earth.
But if you're still on the lookout for a product that banishes odours, @inanewyorkbudget aka Gina, has got you covered - and it may be something you already have in your shower.
Gina boldly referred to her tip as the "best hack of the summer" and said she has the "solution" for those who are struggling to stay fresh.
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She excitedly starts to give some background for context: "So a little while back I was working with a dermatologist because I had these little bumps on my forehead and they told me it was like a bacterial overgrowth, so they recommended a soap that I use to get rid of the overgrowth.
"They also let me know that the same ingredient inside the soap is also in Head and Shoulders to get rid of the overgrowth of bacteria."
She then said that if she ever forgets the soap and needs to wash her face then she'll use a little bit of the popular shampoo.
Gina then divulged that one day out of curiosity she Googled "why do armpits that stink, stink?"
Lo and behold, it's because of a bacterial overgrowth in the area.
"So one day I just decided to give it a shot", she continued. "I washed my armpits with Head and Shoulders, let it sit there for a few minutes while I did the regular shower routine and it actually worked."

"The next day I didn't put on deodorant and I did a workout and I didn't stink. It was a miracle! So try Head and Shoulders underneath your armpits", she urged.
In the comments Gina wrote: "Pyrithione Zinc is the ingredient. According to a few google searches, it also helps with skin hygiene so that might be the reason it works!"
"Head and Shoulders also gets rid of BACNE!", someone else claimed.
"Running to the shop", another wrote.
One TikTok user said: "Omg I need to try this!"
Someone gushed: "If I could give you a hug for this tip I so would. I’ve struggled for so long! I will definitely try and I have head and shoulders at home!"
Would you try this? Or have you? Let us know in the comments.