People's (and by people's, I mean Twitter's) opinions on Gwyneth Paltrow have taken quite the left turn in recent weeks.
First, there was a lot of anger directed at her after she shared her fairly extreme diet habits, which included having just coffee in the morning and bone broth for lunch. (Points have been made on both sides of the argument, I won't get into it.)
Then, though, a trial began which had many previously staunchly anti-Gwyneth commentators rally to her cause—calling her "iconic" and her various appearances "serves." (Kids these days...)
Let me rewind.
A man named Terry Sanderson sued Paltrow for over $300,000 in damages, claiming that she had been reckless on the ski slopes during a vacation in Park City, Utah, which he said resulted in "four broken ribs and years of post-concussion symptoms including confusion, memory loss and irritability," according to ABC 7 New York.
Paltrow countersued for a symbolic dollar, which she was awarded after two weeks of trial.
Footage and photos from the trial were constantly popping up on social media while it was going on, prompting memes and commentary galore.
For example: this bananas video of Sanderson's lawyer questioning Paltrow, which one Twitter user captioned, "This Gwyneth Paltrow testimony is like an SNL skit."
This Gwyneth Paltrow testimony is like an SNL skit. pic.twitter.com/7wBMtZqHO5March 25, 2023
Writer Bess Kalb said, "I’m sorry but in this country if Gwyneth Paltrow runs you over on a ski slope you say 'Thank you' and move on with your life."
Oh, and The New York Times published an analysis of Paltrow's courtroom style. Normal things!
Anywho, after Paltrow was deemed not at fault for causing the collision between herself and Sanderson, she was filmed whispering to him, "I wish you well."
Twitter account Pop Base posted a clip of this happening, prompting one person to comment, "This whole trial needs to be sold to Hulu"
Oh, I would watch the living heck out of that limited series.
Gwyneth Paltrow whispered “I wish you well” to Dr. Sanderson, the man who sued her over ski crash, as she left the courtroom with her $1 victory. pic.twitter.com/4p176ec19dMarch 30, 2023
After the verdict, Kalb once again had the mot juste.
She wrote, "Today justice was served. Since 2016 we have lived in a waking nightmare where truth and Justice were cast aside by a manipulative, fame-obsessed con man seeking glory. And now, at long last, the most watched jury on earth has ruled Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t hit the guy."
(In case that went over your head, Donald Trump was indicted on the same day that Paltrow won her case. Kalb was riffing off of that.)