Gwyneth Paltrow took to Instagram on Thursday to tell her followers she is "embracing" her wrinkles and loosening skin as she edges towards 50.
The actress uploaded a stunning snap for her 8.1 million viewers to enjoy as the black-and-white image of a smiley Gwyneth jumping in the air showed off her toned physique in a two-piece bikini.
She shared a similar shot, but this time in colour, on her company blog as she opened up on her thoughts about getting older.
The Iron Man star turns 50 on September 27 and linked out to her lengthy blog post via her Instagram. In the article, she noted significant changes she'd noticed as she gets older, including "silver hair and fine lines."
She wrote: "My body, a map of the evidence of all the days, is less timeless. Scarred from oven burns, a finger smashed in a window long ago, the birth of a child."

But she proudly said she's accepted these changes and continued: "And while I do what I can to strive for good health and longevity, to stave off weakening muscles and receding bone, I have a mantra I insert into those reckless thoughts that try to derail me: I accept.
"I accept the marks and the loosening skin, the wrinkles. I accept my body and let go of the need to be perfect, look perfect, defy gravity, defy logic, defy humanity. I accept my humanity."
It wasn't just her physical appearance she was reflecting on, either. The Academy Award winner admitted she needs to "own her mistakes" from previous years and is hopeful she's learned from them. She added; "Accomplishments (or things I did), though known and quantifiable, feel part of this linear past, less relevant.

"My errors, which live in the shadows, slippery and dark, are harder to define."
"I have hurt people, never intentionally, but I have done so just the same. I have let people down by not being who they needed me to be. I have betrayed myself to keep the peace. I have crossed lines, the thoughts of which sometimes rip me from sleep and suspend me into the hollowness of shame for a long, dark night."
And after talking in depth about previous mistakes, she admits she hopes to "slow down", make her circle smaller and understand her misunderstandings.
"I would like to continue to open the deepest part of myself to my husband, even though it scares me," she added. "I would like to sing more, even if it's just in the shower. I would like to tell anyone that had a negative experience with me that I am sorry. I would like to fully acknowledge myself."