It’s normal to feel jealousy, as it’s an ugly side of love that no one speaks about, but what about when it takes an extreme turn? If people want the relationship to stay healthy, the best solution would be to stop and not let this jealousy consume everything.
That was not the case with the original poster’s (OP) girlfriend who fought tooth and nail with him after reading the text that his female manager sent him. Turns out, that’s how she reacts whenever he interacts with any woman, and netizens said that it was a big red flag!
More info: Reddit
Jealousy is the ugly side of love that nobody talks about and it can take a vile turn if it’s left unaddressed

Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The poster sent a screenshot of his conversation with his manager to his girlfriend who reacted in an extreme manner

Image credits: Psychological-Hat-35
She accused him of being unprofessional, said that she didn’t want him, and even claimed that the female manager could have him

Image credits: Psychological-Hat-35

Image credits: Psychological-Hat-35

Image credits: Psychological-Hat-35

Image credits: Psychological-Hat-35
He kept apologizing profusely without even knowing what he did wrong and mentioned that this is how she reacts whenever he interacts with any other woman
Today, we dive into a strange tale where Reddit user Psychological-Hat-35, narrates how extremely his girlfriend reacts anytime he even speaks to any other woman. She accused him of being “unprofessional” and even threatened to also speak to her colleagues in a similar unprofessional manner.
When he simply said “okay” it further angered her and she even asked him, “why can’t you be normal”. Now, throughout this ordeal, our poor OP was simply apologizing and reassuring her that he only wanted her, but she was deaf to his sorrys and he just couldn’t understand where he went wrong.
Well, it’s a clear case of jealousy and insecurity, as pointed out by Redditors, and to understand things in a deeper context, Bored Panda interviewed Eden Lobo, a counselor and psychology professor. Looking at the situation, she also confirmed that the girlfriend was jealous and insecure.
She explained, “Insecurity about a partner’s interactions with others can stem from a mix of personal history, relationship experiences, and self-esteem levels. Previous relationships or family dynamics where trust was broken can create lasting fears of betrayal. If someone feels inadequate or compares themselves to others, they may fear losing their partner’s attention.”
Prof. Lobo added that people with anxious attachment styles may worry more about losing closeness or feeling replaced. She also noted that jealousy is common in young relationships, especially when both partners are still developing self-confidence and learning about relationship dynamics.
Well, the couple had only been dating for 11 months, so it was fine to be jealous; however, it had turned unhealthy quite quickly, just as the folks online highlighted. They also assured the poster that he did not need to apologize as he was not at all at fault and explained that it was not normal for women to react this way.

Image credits: Timur Weber / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Prof. Lobo elaborated on this when we questioned her about unhealthy or controlling jealousy. “Constant suspicion undermines trust, making both partners feel tense and defensive. It often often leads to accusations and arguments, which can disrupt open, healthy communication.”
“Controlling jealousy can lead to restrictions on friendships, activities, or even personal freedom. Both partners may feel anxious, guilty, or frustrated, eroding their emotional connection,” she added.
Folks online also pointed out that she was being extremely manipulative and disrespectful to the poster, and honestly, we couldn’t agree more. Even when he was trying to apologize for something that was not even his fault in the first place, she was still acting immature and even gaslighting him at times.
Our expert explained that manipulative behaviors often lead to chronic stress, worry, and feelings of hopelessness, while gaslighting can make one question their reality, feel isolated, or believe they’re at fault. She also emphasized that when the guy in the story is constantly disrespected by his girlfriend, it might impact his confidence and he may also doubt his self-worth.
Folks were also disturbed as to why he had to send her a picture of his conversation with his manager and wondered whether she always asked to see his chats with other women. They said that it would be better for him to break up with her as her reaction was a massive red flag, and some also said that she needed therapy.
Prof Lobo also advised that if jealousy becomes intense or frequent, it may signal underlying insecurities or trust issues that could benefit from open discussions or, guidance from a mental health professional. She also said that if the guy wanted to make it work with his girlfriend, they would need to have a long chat about boundaries and healthily discuss all her issues.
Lastly, she also said that she should also be willing to change and not gaslight or manipulate him constantly when he even spoke with other girls. Do you agree with our expert or do you think he should just break up with her? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Folks online were stumped by the jealous girlfriend’s behavior; they called her unhinged and even advised him to leave her