It’s wise to never get between a dog and its owner, literally or otherwise. Canine companions can be fiercely loyal, and their owners are just as loyal to them in return. As Charles de Gaulle said, “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.”
One dog dad hit the roof when his live-in mom and girlfriend both ganged up on him to try and get rid of his beloved pooch, all because it was deemed “untrainable”. The guy wouldn’t hear of it and said he’d rather leave them in his wake but still turned to netizens for a sense check.
More info: Reddit
Some dogs can be a bit of a handful, as this guy is finding out the hard way

Image credits: Pixabay / Pixabay (not the actual photo)
After three years together, he and his girlfriend adopted a pup, but she has issues taking any responsibility for it

Image credits: Vitaly Gariev / Pexels (not the actual photo)
After sending the dog to a trainer for a month, the poor pup was deemed untrainable and sent back home

Image credits: Alena Darmel / Pexels (not the actual photo)
While trying to decide what to do next, the guy was told by his live-in mom and girlfriend that they’d be better off without the dog around

Image credits: Complete-Net41
The guy flat-out blocked their cruel intentions and said they’d see the back of him first, then turned to netizens for support
OP starts his story by telling the community that his girlfriend always wanted to adopt a dog, but he was hesitant after painfully losing his beloved dog after 14 years. He goes on to say that, after three years together, the couple buckled and decided to pick up a pooch that was a pup of her family’s dogs.
He explains that the dog has been a handful from day one and only responds to his commands. He adds that while his girlfriend doesn’t live with him, his mom does. At this point, he also mentions that his girlfriend has never stepped up to caring for the dog despite being the one who wanted it most.
OP admits to spending hours with the dog each day, walking him up to 10km and playing with him, too. About a month ago, the couple sent the dog for training, but things didn’t go well. After spending a month at the K9 training center, the trainer deemed it “untrainable” and sent it home.
Things took a turn for the worse when, while deciding what to do next, OP’s girlfriend and mom let him know that they’d be happier without the dog in their lives. OP didn’t take this too well, letting them both know that he’d sooner sell up and shove off, leaving them both behind while he pursued a happy life with his hound.
Clearly frustrated by the situation, OP then turned to netizens to ask if telling his mom and girlfriend he’d choose the dog over them was a jerk move.

Image credits: Pixabay / Pexels (not the actual photo)
From what OP tells us in his post, it certainly seems as though he has a puppy problem on his hands. Still, they’ve hardly exhausted all avenues to try and solve the problem. Different breeds have different needs and different training methods. So, before there’s more doggy drama, what are OP’s options? We went looking for answers.
Bored Panda reached out to dog trainer Anthony Newman from Calm Energy Dog Training in New York to get his opinion.
Newman says that dog “training” is really about how you raise and interact with your dog, on a day-in day-out basis.
He goes on, “Let me start by complimenting the redditor: he says he spent 4-5 hours a day walking the dog 10km and playing with him. That’s excellent commitment! Of course we don’t know how consistent it was; but it shows great sensitivity to the fact that dogs aren’t houseplants: they are descendants of wolves who need lots of daily outdoor physical exercise”
As to why OP’s dog might be deemed untrainable, Newman had this to say, “Leashed walks are not normally enough. In order to successfully purge most dogs’ physical energies, they need access to off leash running and playing.”
Perhaps OP would be best off doing as much research as he can to find the right trainer and not take one trainer’s opinion at face value. He certainly seems committed enough.
What would you do if you found yourself in OP’s shoes? Would you ditch the dog or the dog haters first? Let us know your opinion in the comments!
In the comments, readers had plenty to say, with quite a few offering advice on how the guy might go about finding the right trainer for his breed of dog