Wherever you decide to stay, you’re going to have neighbors (unless it’s a lonely, slightly creepy cabin in the woods). The best part about having people living next door is making new friends, bonding over shared experiences, and having social support. The only problem is that you can never predict what kind of neighbors you’ll get.
This guy never had any issue with the folks next door until they began renovating their house, and that’s when he realized exactly how cheeky they were.
More info: Tattle
Water isn’t exactly cheap, which is why you’ve got to keep track of who uses your outdoor taps; otherwise, someone can sneakily rack up a hefty bill without you knowing

The man explained that initially, his neighbors seemed to be pleasant and kept him updated about their renovation work, so he never had any issues with them

One day the poster realized that a worker who was painting the house next door was using his outdoor tap because the neighbors weren’t home, even though they clearly seemed to be

The man realized that his neighbors’ workers were repeatedly using his tap water without asking, so he put a lock on it to make it tougher for them to do so

Image credits: GhostHoward
The folks next door seemed to know that their workers were using the guy’s water, but they did not apologize for the inconvenience
Before the tap incident, the man had not had any problems with his neighbors. They were cordial and kept him in the loop about whatever renovation work they were doing. The only thing is, when their painters wanted to use water, the folks next door didn’t let them and possibly told them to use the guy’s outdoor tap.
In situations like this, when there is a conflict between neighbors, it’s important for them to discuss the matter in a calm and non-confrontational way. Both parties should be open-minded and work toward reaching an agreement that works for them. Direct communication can really help clear up any misunderstanding quickly.
The OP did not talk to his neighbors; instead, he decided to put a lock on his tap to deter the painters. He even worked out a deal with them to get a few of their services in exchange for using his water supply. Through all of this, his neighbors did not apologize for all that happened and how much of his water was being used.
Apart from the minor inconvenience of having someone use his outdoor tap, the guy also got paid a visit from the water meter company. Apparently, there was a lot more water consumed than usual, obviously because of the unannounced workers.

Even though the poster had not escalated things with his cheeky neighbors, he had to go out of his way to lock his tap and also make the builders clear their splatter from his wall. Overall, there were a lot of little annoyances caused by the folks next door that they didn’t seem to be regretful about.
Experts say that living in a community means that you sometimes have to make simple tradeoffs. In situations where the neighbors aren’t causing you too much trouble and their actions aren’t affecting your quality of life, you should refrain from complaining or quarreling with them.
The poster also told commenters later on that he would “rather be out of pocket than have poor neighbor relations.” Since neither he nor the folks next door were planning to move anytime soon, the man felt that it was wise to be on good terms with them and avoid bringing up the water issue.
The guy’s idea to install a tap lock is a creative way to stop his water from being wasted while also avoiding an outright argument with his neighbors. Luckily, he did not lose his temper and do or say anything that he would regret.
We’d love to hear if you’ve also got any innovative ideas to put cheeky neighbors in their place. Do share them in the comments.
Folks agreed with the poster that the folks next door were definitely cheeky, and some people told him not to take their behavior lying down