James Gunn has revealed the final shot he filmed for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.
This week, the filmmaker completed proudction on the film, which is set to be released in 2023.
To mark the occasion, Gunn shared a photo alongside cast members including Chris Pratt, Karen Gillan, Dave Bautista, and his brother, Sean Gunn.
He also shared an image of “the slate for the final shot” of the film, revealing what it was. It’s unknown whether this will be the film’s actual last shot or if it’s just the last one Gunn captured that will appear elsewhere in the film.
The show in question is of Rocket, the raccoon character voiced by Bradley Cooper. Gunn’s brother, Gilmore Girls star Sean, does the moption capture for the character.
Gunn wrote on Twitter: “After over 100 days of shooting & over 3000 shots, this is the slate for the final shot of #GotGVol3, presented to me by the camera crew. It was an easy shot of Rocket seated, 1st with @seangunn, & then nothing there, & took everything in me not to break down sobbing on the spot.”

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 will be released in cinemas on 5 May 2023.
There will also be a Christmas special, released on Disney Plus in December, titled The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. It’s unkown whether there will be a fourth Guardians film.
However, characters from the Guardians films, including Star Lord (Pratt) and Drax the Destroyer (Bautista), will be seen in Thor: Love & Thunder, released on 8 July.

Meanwhile, Love & Thunder director Taika Waititi hyped up that film’s villain, played by Christian Bale, as the best the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has had to date.
Gunn recently defended Pratt amid calls for his removal from the franchise.