After two weeks of focusing on cars, it's back to the streets in GTA Online. This week it's time to check out the racing scene over at the LS Car Meet. Those who join the different races get to earn 2X GTA$, RP, and LS Car Meet Rep. That includes Street, Pursuit, Drift, and Drag Races.
Meanwhile, those who can win in the LS Car Meet Series for three days straight get to take home the Prize Ride which is the Karin Calico GTF (Sports). Players can also head on over to the Test Track and check out the Karin Previon (Coupe), Emperor Vectre (Sports), or Karin Sultan RS Classic (Sports).
Auto Shop Client Jobs
Those not interested in races can instead go under the hood and earn clean cash with Auto Shop Client Jobs. Here they can upgrade and deliver vehicles as requested. They can also indulge in their creative whims with custom configurations for 2X GTA$. To get started, keep a close watch on a text message from Sessanta on the iFruit.
Players who can deliver three vehicles as part of Auto Shop Client Jobs can complete the Weekly Challenge and earn a bonus of GTA$100,000 along with the LS Customs Coveralls. For those who want to get started but don't have the Auto Shop yet, this week is the perfect time to do so. That's because Auto Shop properties and their upgrades and modifications are being offered at 40% discount
Get the Dinka
This week Yusuf Amir is offering a new robbery target which is the Dinka Blista Kanjo (Compact) that's been styled with an LS Pounders license plate. To get these players need to infiltrate The Diamond Casino & Resort. To start planning The Podium Robbery, just head on over to the computer in the Salvage Yard.
Dinka Tee is also free this week and players can get their hand son it by buying any of these triad of discounted sports cars from either Legendary Motorsport or Southern San Andreas Super Autos:
- Dinka Jester RR (Sports) - 30% off
- Dinka RT3000 (Sports) - 30% off
- Dinka Sugoi (Sports) - 30% off
The Showroom
This week, Simeon's selection of returning vehicles have been hand-selected for the viewing and driving pleasure of everyone. These are:
- Emperor ETR1 (Super, 40% off)
- Annis Savestra (Sports Classic)
- Karin 190z (Sports Classic)
- Shitzu Hakuchou (Motorcycle)
- Dinka Verus (Off-Road)
The Luxury Autos showroom gives players that chance to take a closer look at the Canis Terminus (Off-Road) and Karin Vivanite (SUV).
GTA Online is available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.