GTA 5's Michael reckons GTA 6's tone looks like it's hitting a blend of the fourth and fifth games in Rockstar's series.
Speaking to IGN in an interview, Ned Luke, the voice and face of Michael de Santa in GTA 5, sounded off on GTA 6. "I've said this before - from an acting standpoint, not just a protagonist, just top to bottom, I think that our game was if not the best, one of the best acted game in video game history," Luke said. No pressure in following that up, GTA 6.
"There's so much comedy. Comedy is fucking hard man. Drama's not hard to do, at least for me from an acting standpoint. Comedy's hard," the actor continued. "I think that this thing, from the trailer, it looks like it's going to be a little heavier than ours was. It looks like all the comedy and all the weirdness is going to be on the outside, and all those ancillary characters. It had a little heavier vibe, it felt to me between us and [GTA] 4, almost. Because 4 was really dark."
GTA 5 certainly had its comedic moments, whether it was Michael accidentally destroying the wrong hillside mansion in a fit of rage, or Trevor doing basically anything, including but not limited to murder and arson. Luke isn't saying that GTA 6 will be entirely devoid of comedy, though, just that it'll potentially be limited to the goings on outside the main plot of the game.
The actor also commented on Lucia in the new Rockstar game. "Lucia's hard, man. In the trailer, she looked good. You get a lot of these clowns out here going 'Rockstar's going woke, they're caving in to the wokeness of the world'. First of all, there's been other female protagonists in the past, but obviously not in something as huge as this," the actor said. It's true: the original GTA had a slew of protagonists, several of which were women.
"GTA 6 is going to be the biggest game ever. But she looked good, but protagonist-wise, she looks like a badass to me. That last scene where they come busting in, she just looked like a badass. And the thing that was cool was that she led the way. She kicked open the door, and then Jason was back here. So I don't know if you read into that as she's going to be the big time and he's going to be with her, or what," Luke concluded.
The moment Luke is referring to there is the shot at the very end of the GTA 6 trailer, where Lucia and Jason seemingly rob a convenience store. The pair bust through the front doors, guns raised and masks on, but some fans think the GTA 6 trailer is telling Lucia's story in reverse - and they've got some pretty compelling evidence on their side.
You can read up on our GTA 6 trailer breakdown guide for a complete look at all the tiniest details you might've missed in the trailer last month.