GTA 6 fans think a mystery GTA Online t-shirt might be teasing the reveal date for Rockstar's next game.
As part of the recent GTA Online update, Rockstar dropped a new cosmetic item - a gray tee-shirt covered in strange symbols and a string of numbers. Placed into a simple code-reader, those numbers translate to the phrase "one day will reveal all." That shirt is reportedly no longer available to buy, having been pulled from sale shortly after it was released.
With the tenth anniversary of GTA Online on its way on October 1, some fans are suggesting that this shirt is teasing a reveal for GTA 6. Reveal and release are likely to be some time apart, of course, but should we get our first GTA 6 trailer in the fall, it might line up with financial reports that point towards a 2024/5 launch for GTA 6.
It's certainly a decent argument, although some GTA Online fans have already poked holes in it. Some suggest that Rockstar would be unlikely to reveal GTA 6 through a GTA Online event, and would be more likely to point to GTA 5's anniversary in September. Others point out that there's a distinctly alien theme to the tee - including a few previously-datamined images that might instead point to a Mount Chiliad-themed event.
The mountain and various conspiracy theories around it have long been part of the deep GTA Online lore, and a tenth anniversary event would be an entertaining time to unleash some close encounters of the third kind upon the citizens of Los Santos.
Nevertheless, it does certainly seem as though we're starting to close in on the time of GTA 6. That earnings call information is far from the first time that 2024-5 has been labeled as a likely window for the game. Microsoft clearly thinks that GTA 6 is coming next year, and last year's unfortunate GTA 6 leak does point to a game that's starting to come together. There's some significant scepticism within online communities that this single cosmetic is the start of the GTA 6 hype cycle, but as one forum user pointed out; "they have to drop a trailer eventually."
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