Lahar (Bhind): Though the issue of comprehensive development of the poor is at the top in the agenda of the central and state governments, many a poor are still longing, even in the 21st century, for a roof on their head.
Whatever the reasons, the government schemes to eradicate poverty and provide dwelling to every poor seems to be far away from the ground reality.
The Dynamite News team came face-to-face with such a family that is not only poor but disabled also and is deprived of the government housing scheme in Lahar in Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh.
Family of four, both husband-wife disabled
Jitendra and his wife, both living in Lahar, Bhind, are disabled. They have two small children. Jitendra is following his ancestral work of ironsmith, but he doesn't get this work everyday. On such days, the family is forced to sleep empty stomach.

Severe cold and miserable conditions
When the Dynamite News team saw this family with small children living in miserable conditions on the roadside hut in the extreme cold, our feet automatically stopped there. The chaotic condition inside and outside the hut and the pitiful mood of this family was telling their pathetic story.
Hut made of plastic sheets
There was a hut, made of plastic sheets, on the roadside. Even a slight gust of wind could blow the hut away. Jeetendra's entire family lives in this hut. The dusty curtains and a few items inside the hut reveal the financial condition of this family.

The demand for a single roof was not heard
After seeing the cramped hut, when Dynamite News asked Jitendra about the benefits of the government housing schemes for the poor, his facial expressions suddenly changed. Jitendra told that he appealed to the administration several times about providing a roof to them but got nothing except mere assurances. Jitendra's demand is that he should get a house from the government but his hope seems a distant dream.

We vote but do not get our requirements
Jitendra said that he also has Voter Card and Aadhar Card. Many leaders also come to them during the election time with empty promises and request them for vote. After election those promises fall flat.
Sometimes we have to remain empty stomach
While talking to Dynamite News, Jitendra further says that beating iron has been the ancestral work of our family for 50-60 years and I donot know anything else. But all the time I donot get the work so the entire family has to go empty stomach. Some times a kind passerby gives us some food and this way our life goes on and on.