Dr Dvir Abramovich
go extinct. This is quite literally fascism, and I can perfectly picture the kind of slimy straight white guy who would be behind such a thing.
The letters also feature a QR code to scan “if white” which leads to the Nationalist Socialist Network.
A spokeswoman for NSW Police confirmed that it will “monitor activities” and “take action where appropriate” as well as conduct “inquiries.” Uh-huh.
Anti-Defamation Commission chairman spoke to News.com.au about the matter and warned white supremacy and anti-Semitism are on the rise in this country.
“The bottom line is that we can’t rest easy while these homegrown domestic terrorists-in-waiting, ticking time bombs, are on a recruitment drive of young white men and women to their Aryan cause,” he said.
“Where far-right extremists gather, promising a racial war, physical violence is usually not far behind, and each one of us is a potential target.
“There is a direct link between radicalisation and lethal attacks, and at any point, this ugly rhetoric can cross the line into real-world killing because one of their young members, who is absorbing this poison, may come to believe that any action is justified to save the white race from their ‘enemies’.
“We do not need to wait for a Christchurch-like massacre in Sydney to designate these movements as terrorist organisations.”
How are these groups not considered terrorist organisations? Honestly, I’m packing my bags and heading to the Moon, this is too much.
The post Gross White Supremacist Flyers Have Appeared In Bondi Seeking Recruits For A ‘Higher Purpose’ appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .