A couple who's twin boys died months apart have vowed to give back to those who helped them during the "most difficult time" of their lives.
Carol, 39, and Norman, 43, Plumpton-Walsh, from Runcorn, found out they were having identical twins on December 23, 2020, who they later named Archie and Elliott. Sadly after a number of complications, Carol and Norman's son Archie died on April 15, 2021 when she was 24 weeks pregnant.
Tragically, twin Elliott died at five-months-old on September 17, 2021 after he battled with prematurity and chronic lung disease. At 25 weeks Carol's waters broke and she was rushed to hospital where she stayed for three days, but did not go into labour and was allowed to go home.
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On May 1, 2021, Carol gave birth to Elliott followed by "sleeping angel" Archie. In memory of their sons, Carol and Norman are hoping to raise £40,000 for Liverpool Women's Hospital and Claire House Children's Hospice who helped the boys and the couple.
Back in February this year, Carol spoke of her heartbreak with the ECHO. She said: "For me everything happened so quickly, I don't think it has fully sunk in yet even though it happened a while ago."

Since the ECHO spoke with Carol and Norman, the couple have raised £13,000 for both Liverpool Women's Charity and Claire House Children's Hospice via various fundraising events.
Speaking about the generosity of people, Carol said: "Norman is astounded by the kindness and generosity of people for these two excellent charities. Proof that there is still good in this world.
"I'm very grateful for everyone's kindness, generosity and enthusiasm. We weren't expecting to raise so much so soon. Both charities are very close to a lot of people's hearts. And what happened to our boys has touched many people, so they want to help.
"although we are doing this fundraising in memory of our boys, we are also doing it in memory of all other babies and children gone too soon. Also, to honour all the premature babies and their families who battled their way through nicu."
Carol and Norman today held a family fun day, with entertainment such as bingo, tombola, face painting, Hallowe'en crafts, raffle and a licensed bar. Halton's mayor and mayoress Mark and Andrea Dennett opened the event and was hosted by Brookside star Suzanne Clemence.
The following week a fishing competition has been arranged over on the Wirral, around by Wallasey Town Hall where 72 anglers will be taking part. Norman and Carol hope to do more fundraising next year.
To support Carol and Norman with their fundraising goal people can visit their Facebook page here or donate via their justgiving page here.
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