The dad of a talented teenage footballer who died days before Christmas is set to begin a 130-mile "March for Men-tal Health" which will take in football grounds from Bedlington to Middlesbrough.
Harvey McWilliams died on December 21 on the railway line in his hometown of Darlington. He was just 18 and in the midst of his first year at Exeter University - just months earlier he had left school with stellar A* A Level results.
A talented footballer, he had been part of Darlington's academy and a huge Sunderland fan. While away at university, he had broken into the Exeter Panthers team. His passing left friends and family "heartbroken", and - though dad Michael explained he is "still grieving" - for five days this Easter he will be walking past 19 different football grounds in our area to raise awareness of male mental health and help reduce stigma around talking about it..
Read more: Sunderland to hold minute's applause in tribute to teenager who was 'always smiling'
He will be accompanied by colleagues from the ManHealth CIC mental health group - where Michael actually works himself - including founder Paul Bannister on the 130 mile trek. The march starts at Bedlington at 8am on April 13, with North Shields being the day one destination. By Good Friday, the team will hit Sunderland's Stadium of Light base, before passing through grounds from Seaham to Spennymoor over the weekend.
Michael explained that Harvey's death had left the rest of the family - including mum Kelly, brother Luke and nana Brenda - devastated. He added: "From everyone there is absolute commitment to ensure Harvey be remembered forever as the happy, thoughtful, caring and selfless individual who positively impacted all who he came into contact with.

"The response from everyone is because those who knew Harvey were inspired, he inspired me to get on and do this walk and that’s what we want, we want people to come and support us and raise awareness. We all live moments where we are frightened, or overwhelmed but we need to make it clear that these moments pass.
"I’m still grieving, the whole family is, he used to say we were his best friends his Nana Brenda, his mum Kelly and his brother Luke. This march is our way of honouring Harvey because he meant so much to so many people."
Michael and Paul have explained that they want as many people as possible to join the march when it passes through their areas - and that it was vital to "start conversations" about the need for more support for young men. Michael explained that he also wanted to take the opportunity to remember Harvey as he was.
He added: "As circumstances collided, there was a moment when Harvey was frightened, he made a decision that led him to not being with us now. I want everyone to know that Harvey wasn’t living with mental health issues, he didn’t have depression - it was quite the opposite.
"He wasn’t in a dark place, he was very open for an 18-year-old. He was playing football something he loved, he had gone to Exeter University after excellent results - triple A stars, he was in a happy relationship with a wide circle of friends and was creating a future for himself.
“It is really important that Harvey is remembered for his wonderful contribution to life and the positive impact he had on all who knew him, not the split second that ended it, a moment I have no doubt he would’ve taken back."
He said his son had provided "so many moments of kindness" - including by giving football boots to others if they needed them and even helping his dad at the ManHealth group's sports sessions. Michael said Harvey had been "inspirational".
He added: "It's a twist of fate that I work in mental health; but we have to break down the stigma of mental health problems among men. If this walk helps start the conversation it will be worth it."

ManHealth founder Paul Bannister added: "It hit everyone hard; we’d all met Harvey through Michael, he was a lovely lad who was always so genuinely interested in helping others. What's happened is just so hard to accept and it's incredible that Michael has been able to be so involved with 'March for Men-tal Health' for which we are so grateful.
"Harvey was an incredible young man and the region’s football teams have really come together to honour his life and support his family he was a great ambassador for football. In doing this walk as a tribute to Harvey we hope to helping raise awareness of vital issues around male mental wellbeing and remove the stigma and encourage open non-judgemental discussion."
To support the Man Health March for Men-tal Health and find out when the march will pass through your area, see