Grenfell Tower will be “carefully” demolished in a process likely to take two years, it has been confirmed.
The Government has officially confirmed the west London block’s future, having been met with criticism from some bereaved and survivors following a private meeting earlier this week.
Deputy Prime Minister and Housing Secretary Angela Rayner “prioritised engagement with the community” since taking up her role last summer – and has met with bereaved families, survivors and residents in the area, the Government insisted.
It will likely take around two years to sensitively take down the Tower through a process of careful and sensitive progressive deconstruction that happens behind the wrapping
Some expressed upset and shock following a private meeting with Ms Rayner on Wednesday, saying they felt they had not had their views considered before the decision was taken.
Grenfell United, which represents some bereaved and survivors, said it appeared from the room on Wednesday that “no-one supported” the Government’s decision.
They added: “Ignoring the voices of bereaved on the future of our loved ones’ grave site is disgraceful and unforgivable”.
A spokesperson for Grenfell Next Of Kin, a separate group representing some bereaved families, said that while the decision was “obviously a very sensitive and difficult” one, families “understand the hard facts around safety”.

In an official update on Friday, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government said engineering advice is that the tower “is significantly damaged” and will get worse with time.
The department said: “It will likely take around two years to sensitively take down the tower through a process of careful and sensitive progressive deconstruction that happens behind the wrapping.”
What is left of the tower has stood in place in the years since the disaster, with a covering on the building featuring a large green heart accompanied by the words “forever in our hearts”.
The June 2017 disaster claimed the lives of 72 people.