The ACT Greens want an independent board appointed to oversee Canberra's health system, in a move the party says would deliver more transparency and better care.
Emma Davidson, the Greens' health spokeswoman and member for Murrumbidgee, said the board would drive higher standards and ensure better outcomes in the territory's health system.
"Canberrans deserve to have confidence in our health system to be there when and where they need it so they can live a healthy and fulfilling life," Ms Davidson said.
"But our health system is complex. Our population is growing and so is our health system. Currently there's too many people who don't trust the system to support them when they need it, with many having to travel for care."
Community input in independent board
The Greens said legislation to establish the independent board would need to be co-designed with the community.
But the party said it would cost $1 million a year to recruit and pay members of the board.
The party believes it would cost $850,000 a year to pay members and the chair, and $150,000 annually to recruit, onboard and up skill board members.

The board would hold public meetings, report annually to the Legislative Assembly, "scrutinise the integration of care across primary, secondary and tertiary services, and discharge processes", and keep tabs on the way the health system spends public money.
Ms Davidson said the board would also consider staff wellbeing to support Canberra Health Services to be an employer of choice.
Terms of reference would include a focus on discharge processes, more holistic financial management and "greater emphasis on staff wellbeing and the adoption of best evidence care".
"NSW, QLD, SA and Tasmania all have an independent board to oversee and scrutinise performance of their district health networks to improve health outcomes for their community and it's time the ACT has one too," she said.
In NSW, 15 local health districts have a governing board, each with responsibility for strategic direction and efficiency.
"In 2022, the ACT government established an independent oversight board for the Dhulwa forensic mental health unit review which significantly improved outcomes for both consumers and employees," the Greens' policy said.