The two main combatants in the key marginal seat of Upper Hunter emerged from Thursday's ballot draw relieved that their opponent did not secure the coveted top position.
Upper Hunter, which the Nationals' Dave Layzell holds with a slender 0.5-point margin, is one of the seats the Coalition is desperate to retain and Labor believes it can flip in the state election on March 25.
The Greens secured top billing in the Upper Hunter ballot draw when candidate Tony Lonergan's number dropped first.
Mr Layzell, who drew three, and Labor candidate Peree Watson, who drew five, said the draw had not done their campaigns any harm given neither had claimed the top spot.
"We're all down the list," Mr Layzell said.
"Everyone wants to be number one, but you've just got to accept how they pull out your names."
He said the top ballot spot was "no doubt a bonus".
"It is a very tight election, so of course it will assist whoever it is, but it is not the decider at the end of the day.
"There are definitely a number of people who go in and do the bare minimum in regard to their vote and forget how important their vote is.
"They often go in and write one in the top box, and that's all they've got to do."
Ms Watson, who has a mathematics degree from the University of New England, said the evidence showed drawing number one made a difference to a candidate's vote total.
"I understand that statistically there is all the data to show that you do get a few per cent if you're the number one, so good luck to Tony," she said.
"I don't believe I need to win any ballot apart from the one on March 25, but, you know what, number five absolutely represents change.
"I think people are making up their minds on much bigger issues than what order we are on the ballot."

The Greens were the big winners in the Hunter ballot draws, securing top spot in four of the nine electorates.
City of Newcastle councillor John Mackenzie drew first in Newcastle, Rebecca Watson claimed top spot in Wallsend and Campbell Knox will head the ballot paper in Maitland.
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party candidate Jason Lesage topped the draw in Lake Macquarie, Labor MP Jodie Harrison secured top billing in Charlestown, Sustainable Australia Party's Alan Ellis drew first in Swansea, Animal Justice candidate Michelle Buckmaster was first in Port Stephens and Legalise Cannabis Party's Andrew Fenwick drew number one in Cessnock.