ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury is aware he twice misspoke on the history of January 26, while calling for the date of Australia Day to change.
January 26 - marked with a public holiday as Australia Day - is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.
"We do need to reimagine Australia Day, there's no question about that because the 26th of January represented the day Captain Cook landed at Port Botany," Mr Rattenbury told The Canberra Times last week.
Captain James Cook recorded the arrival of HMB Endeavour at Botany Bay on April 29, 1770.
A spokesman for Mr Rattenbury on Monday said the Attorney-General was aware he had misspoken.
Mr Rattenbury had repeated the mistake on ABC radio on Monday morning, where it was later corrected during the broadcast.

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