Grayson's face lit up as Mackay's fire brigade set lights flashing and sirens blaring, heralding the arrival of its newest and littlest member.
Four-year-old Grayson Little lived out his dream of becoming a firey during a special ceremony on Thursday afternoon.
He now has his own name badge and firefighter's uniform.
"He will remember this forever," mum Rachel Little said.
Grayson's family watched on as excitement spread across their little boy's face as he sat behind the fire truck's driver's seat.
For them, it was all about making memories while they still can.
"We don't know how long we will have with Grayson," Ms Little said.
"We want to fulfil them while we can and watch him enjoy as much life as possible."
One of six with rare condition
Grayson was only one year old when he was diagnosed with dyskeratosis congenita, a rare and incurable genetic condition that affects bone marrow.
"He can't walk or talk yet due to abnormalities on the brain, and he's now facing some oxygen struggles, so eventually lungs and liver and those type of things are going to deteriorate.
"Grayson is only one of two [cases] in Queensland and I think about one of six in the whole of Australia, so [it's] really rare.
"Australia is doing some work into telomere biology disorders, but most of our support and funding comes from America."
Grayson's fragile little body has been put through the wringer over the past few years.
He has undergone bone marrow transplants, his gut and bowels have shut down and he is fed intravenously.
He spends 16 hours every night hooked up to the equipment that keeps him alive at the home in Bundaberg where he currently lives with his parents — who come from Mackay and have extended family in the city.
But all of that was put aside for a few hours at the Mackay Fire Station.
"It's a beautiful memory, we've got so many photos and videos now that we can look back on when needed," Ms Little said.
Members of the Mackay Fire and Rescue Service, the Rural Fire Service and SES helped to make the day happen.
"It's the best job in the world, so I don't blame him for wanting to be a firefighter," Kyle McCormack from the Mackay Fire and Rescue Service said.
"With the sirens and the lights on, I still get excited about that, so a little boy like him, he was absolutely cheering."
He said the crew was more than happy to welcome Grayson as an honorary firefighter and show the family around.