A group of individuals and organizations in drugs policy, well-being, and support services have penned an open letter to An Taoiseach expressing "grave concerns" that the Citizens' Assembly on Drugs may not be meeting the "vital requirement" presented in its terms of reference to “operate in an open and transparent manner”.
The Assembly, approved by the Cabinet in February, was created to investigate ways to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illegal drugs on individuals, families, and communities.
However, in a letter seen by the Irish Mirror, policy experts, TDs and campaigners have alleged that the formation of an advisory group for the Assembly was done “without the slightest effort” to be “open and transparent”.
READ MORE: Ex-HSE chief Paul Reid to be paid €650 a day to chair Citizen’s Assembly as he acknowledges backlash
According to the Citizens' Assembly website, this advisory group includes:
- Jo-Hanna Ivers, Associate Professor in Addictions, School of Medicine, and Associate Dean of Civic Engagement & Social Innovation, Trinity College Dublin
- Philly McMahon, advocate for people affected by drugs use
- Mary Cannon, Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Youth Mental Health, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences and consultant psychiatrist, Beaumont Hospital.
- Joe O’Neill, Chair of the Western Region Drugs and Alcohol Task Force
- Ann Ryan, Retired Judge of the District Court
- Brian Galvin, Programme Manager for Drug and Alcohol Research, Health Research Board
- John Garry, Professor of Political Behaviour and lead at The Democracy Unit, Queen’s University Belfast
The open letter, signed by TDs Gino Kenny, Violet-Anne Wynne, and Thomas Pringle, among others, asks 11 questions to An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar about how the Assembly made decisions on matters related to the formation of this group and information sessions about the Assembly.
Some of these questions, as presented in the letter, ask:
- Why were the information sessions arranged at impossibly short notice, preventing most advocacy, lobby groups and other stakeholders from attending?
- Who was invited to the information sessions and what were the selection criteria?
- Why was the Advisory Support Group appointed in secret and what were the selection criteria?
The Assembly, as with previous Citizens’ Assemblies held, is made up of 100 people, including 99 members of the general public and one independent chairperson, who was announced as Paul Reid - the former head of the HSE.
Ireland has previously held Citizens’ Assemblies, including one’s on Gender Equality and the Eighth Amendment, all to a high level of success. This Assembly will hold its inaugural meeting this weekend and submit a report to the Oireachtas by the end of 2023.
The groups and individuals that signed the open letter, sent on April 6, stated that they would be “grateful” if these questions were answered prior to the first meeting, which is arranged for this weekend.
Clinical Lead HSE Addictions, Dr Garrett McGovern, one of the signatories of the letter, told to the Irish Mirror: “It is pivotally important that the Citizens Assembly follows a fair, objective and transparent process.
“The debate on drugs is incredibly polarising with both sides of the divide eager to push its agenda, sometimes at any cost.
“If Ireland is to adopt a drug policy that best serves its citizens, reduces drug-related deaths and associated negative sequelae the Citizens’Assembly is a platform that can help achieve these aims. Without a fair process, we have no chance of achieving a fair result.
“The citizens of this country deserve not only a process that is fair but one that is also seen to be fair.”

Crainn, an organisation that aims to educate the public and policymakers on sensible drug policy solutions which promote safety and harm reduction, added to the Irish Mirror: "We are concerned about the running of the assembly, including how the public and organisations will take part.
"For example, the assembly is due to start in a few short weeks and we have no information on how this process will work. Furthermore, there was a meeting for 'stakeholders' in Dublin on March 28.
"However, a number of notable organisations and public figures who have been working in drug policy for years did not find out about it, and received all information about it via Twitter after the fact."
In a response to the Irish Mirror when asked about the "concerns" raised, a spokesperson for the Citizens' Assembly explained: "Last month the Chair of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use, Paul Reid, announced the appointment of an experienced and diverse Advisory Support Group to support the important work of the Assembly. The Advisory Support Group has a key role in supporting the Citizens’ Assembly in developing a comprehensive work programme, in line with the Assembly’s Terms of Reference.
"The Terms of Reference for the Advisory Support Group identify the group’s role as supporting the Chair of the Assembly in developing a fair, balanced and comprehensive work programme, in line with the Assembly’s Terms of Reference. Members of the Group will offer suggestions and feedback on the design of a draft programme, and identify options for specialists, experts, stakeholder groups and others to appear before the Assembly. It will be a matter for the Chair and members of the Assembly to determine the final Work Programme."
"Members of the Advisory Support Group are appointed by, and serve at the sole discretion of the Chairperson. They are required to perform their role in a balanced and independent manner, and shall not act in an advocacy capacity on their own behalf, or on behalf of any other individual or group. They shall refrain from making public comment on their work for the Citizens’ Assembly, or on the proceedings of the Assembly, whilst the Assembly is ongoing."
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