The top 20 things grandparents learn from their grandkids have been revealed - and one or two of them might surprise you.
The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren is a special one. And while some millennials feel 'frustrated' with parents too busy to look after grandkids and others wonder whether the government should pay grandparents who provide childcare, many feel that building a relationship with grandparents is an important part of childhood.
But while parents may notice the benefits to their children from spending time with their grandparents (research has shown it's important for social development) you may not realise that grandparents can learn much from their grandkids too.
A new survey of 2,000 grandparents carried out in collaboration with Gas Safe Register found that grandparents learn new things about technology, play and pop culture from spending time with their grandkids. In addition, a huge 94 per cent said they have a 'special bond' with their grandkids and 90 per cent said they're happy to help out more with their grandchildren to strengthen this bond. Nine in ten also said that their grandchildren make them 'feel young at heart'.
Top 20 things grandparents learn from their grandchildren
- The characters on kids' TV shows
- How to have fun
- How to build LEGO sets
- How to use tech appliances e.g. laptop/tablet
- How to use emojis
- How to be yourself
- How to do TikTok dances
- The most popular TV shows
- What slang is in use, and what is out of date
- Modern music
- General tech support
- Which social media platforms are 'cool'
- Which is the most recent Marvel film/TV show
- Which celebrities are 'cool'
- How streaming services work
- What is the best kind of phone to get
- The importance of recycling, and what items can be recycled
- How to download music
- The importance of mental health/self-awareness
- What is stylish to wear

Meanwhile, many grandparents said they have learned more from their grandkids than they did from their own children - such as how to download music or work a tablet, neither of which existed when they were raising their own kids.
And as part of spending more time with the younger generation, 87 per cent feel a responsibility to make sure their home is safe. Three-quarters of grandparents (74 per cent) keep all dangerous or unsafe objects locked away or out of reach, and nearly half (46 per cent) confess to being more clued-up on home safety measures than their own adult children.
A spokesperson for Gas Safe Register, which is highlighting the importance of being clued up on gas safety measures around the home, said: "Having a close relationship with grandparents can be incredibly rewarding for everyone involved.
"Not only do the youngsters get to spend time with their grandparents, but the older generation get to learn from them, and experience the world through their eyes at the same time. The time the two generations get to spend together is precious."
But while two-thirds (67 per cent) of grandparent have smoke alarms fitted and 60 per cent ensure they have a carbon monoxide alarm fitted and tested regularly, less than a fifth (16 per cent) were able to correctly name all the signs that one or more of their gas appliances could be unsafe or faulty.
Gas Safe Register’s spokesperson added: "As more and more parents rely on their own mum and dad for childcare, making sure every home is in tip-top condition when it comes to safety is paramount.
"However, what’s clear from today’s research is that there’s a misguided confidence among grandparents when it comes to gas safety.
"It’s vital that people are clued-up on how to stay gas safe within their homes – to help protect both themselves and their loved ones from the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, gas leaks and, in some worst instances, fire and explosions."
To find tips on gas safety and find out who to call in an emergency, visit gassaferegister.co.uk
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