Being frugal and aware of your spending habits isn’t a bad thing. It can help you save and prepare well for the future. The only times it isn’t good is when you make it other people’s problem. Sometimes penny pinchers go to extreme lengths to force their miserliness on other folks.
A woman was on the receiving end of her mother-in-law’s frugality during a Mother’s Day celebration. She reached out to people online to figure out if she went too far when setting boundaries with her miserly MIL.
More info: Reddit
DIL pays for an extravagant Mother’s Day outing for her daughter, mother, and MIL only for husband’s mom to ruin the entire event by fussing about the money

Image credits: ELEVATE (not the actual photo)
The poster’s 6YO daughter found out about a cafe that made princess cakes and served high tea, so the woman booked a table and planned a lavish outing to celebrate Mother’s Day early

Image credits: Jenny Galloway (not the actual photo)
Despite the OP having paid for the entire event, her MIL kept complaining, calling it a “waste of money” and “pretentious,” even directing negative comments toward her granddaughter

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
The woman confronted her MIL and asked her to keep her criticisms to herself and told her it was hard for her daughter to enjoy the day when someone was acting so negatively

Image credits: Adventurous_Ant1546
The poster asked her MIL to leave the event, which led to her complaining to the family that her DIL threw her out for being frugal, to which her husband insisted she should have kept the peace
The woman had set up a lavish and exciting celebration at a new cafe. She wanted her daughter to dress up and enjoy the princess cakes, while she, her mother, and MIL could celebrate Mother’s Day early. She was happy to witness her daughter’s joy and see her wearing her favorite dress for the outing. However, the poster soon realized that her MIL was not sharing in the festivities and was intent on bringing everyone’s mood down.
Her husband’s mom is known to be a frugal woman, which is why she felt the whole outing was a waste of money. Her granddaughter was excited about the cakes and told her that princesses ate them, but the annoyed grandma retorted that it was only fit for birds. She found the whole experience pretentious and kept on making comments that were negatively impacting the kid’s experience.
Even though the poster mentioned that her MIL is frugal, judging from her reaction to the event, it’s likely that she is a stingy person. According to experts, people who are stingy struggle with compromise and often prioritize their financial interests over others. This can cause tension in relationships and even lead to conflicts. People might develop miserly habits due to various reasons, such as growing up in resource-limited environments or even because of low self-esteem and anxiety.
An important distinction between frugal and stingy people is that frugality does not mean you have to give up on a good quality of life when saving for something. Frugal people still enjoy different life experiences while sticking to their preferred budgets. Stingy people might keep saving up at the expense of their quality of life.

Image credits: Thạnh Nguyễn (not the actual photo)
Whether a person decides to save money in a reasonable manner or be miserly is their decision alone. The difficulty arises when they begin forcing their views on other people in the family. Money conversations with family members can create a whole host of problems, especially if there are complex emotions tied to the need to save money.
In this case, the woman was able to hold her own and stand up to her MIL, but she was worried that the woman’s criticisms would affect her daughter. She told netizens, “I was a little shocked by her comment saying that my daughter wouldn’t understand the criticisms. She might only be six, and probably doesn’t have all the words used in her vocabulary, but she absolutely understood the intent.” That’s why she told her husband’s mother to leave as she wanted her daughter to truly enjoy herself.
To cultivate a healthy atmosphere around the discussion of money matters in a family, it’s important that all members listen with a nonjudgmental attitude. By comparing perspectives, they can eventually find common ground and resolve conflicts. Each viewpoint has heavy emotions tied to it, which is why it’s important to listen actively and with empathy, even if you disagree.
Budgeting is important, but it shouldn’t be the focal point, especially at someone else’s event. The interfering mother-in-law tried to teach her granddaughter about the value of money without realizing she was ruining the child’s experience. The viral post got 9.5k views and 1.8k comments, with people shocked at the in-law’s bad attitude even though she was getting a free meal. Have you ever dealt with such a stingy person? Tell us in the comments below.
Apart from supporting the poster’s decision to kick her MIL out of the event, netizens were shocked at the husband’s reaction and felt that he should have stood up for his wife