A posh grammar school was left looking rather silly after it shared a post advertising a recent open day with a glaring spelling mistake in its own name. Dover Grammar School for Boys in Dover, Kent, published the advert in print and online, but eagle-eyed locals were quick to spot that a mistake had been made in the spelling of the school's name - as they ironically had changed "grammar" to "grammer".
The advert was shared to promote recent open mornings at the selective secondary school, which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. But the blunder left people online in stitches, with some even making reference to the practice of "writing lines" as a way of punishing the school for their mistake.

The advert originally read: "Dover Grammer School for Boys.
"Open Mornings: Tuesday 11th October 2022 (9am to 11am), Wednesday 12th October 2022 (9am to 11am)
"Come and see the school in action."
And one local who saw the advert was quick to joke: "Write 100 lines: Grammar School not Grammer."
Dover Grammar School for Boys has since said it outsourced the advert production to a marketing company, and has claimed they misspelt the word despite the school sending them a "correctly spelt" version to work from.
Headteacher Philip Horstrup said: "We have been alerted to this. The spelling issue you reference is due to an error.
"They produced the advert for local media for our open mornings, online and in hard copy format. The copy they were sent, which is correctly spelt, has been reproduced/printed incorrectly.
"They are currently getting it changed. This matter is therefore beyond our control, and we are awaiting confirmation that their mistake has been rectified."
Dover Grammar School for Boys is 120 years old and was founded in 1902, and currently has 795 pupils aged 11 to 18.
Meanwhile, we recently reported that people in the leafy commuter town of Bromsgrove in Worcestershire have been left baffled by the road signs in the area - as several of them are spelt incorrectly.
The latest error has been spotted at one of the town centre's busiest road junctions, where the Birmingham Road and the A448 Stratford Road meet. Here, a new sign points drivers in the direction of the M5 and 'Brimingham' not Birmingham.
And this isn't the only blunder people have spotted, as another incorrect sign can be seen on the A38 near The Artrix, before the roundabout with the Bromsgrove Highway.
This sign is intended to direct motorists towards Oakalls housing estate, but incorrectly points them to 'Oakhalls'.
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