The cabinet on Tuesday resolved that government organisations will cut their electricity and oil consumption by 20% from April to September.
Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said the energy saving directive was set for implementation in the second half of fiscal 2022.
Under the resolution, government organisations will form working groups to formulate energy-saving plans.
The Energy Ministry has recommended immediate measures:
For electricity saving, government organisations should turn on air-conditioners only from 8.30am to 4.30pm and set the temperature at 25-26°C. They should use LED lamps and campaign for the use of staircases instead of elevators, which will be programmed to stop only at even or odd floors.
For oil saving, government organisations should emphasise online meetings and the use of emails to reduce trips.
Mr Thanakorn said all measures should reduce the government's energy expenditure by 2.95 billion baht during the period.