In a recent interview, concerns about immigration and border security were brought up to Governor Haley. The individual questioned how the United States can provide housing, medical care, food, and education for the increasing number of people crossing the border, and how the cost of deportation would be covered. Governor Haley acknowledged these concerns, expressing that they are shared by many Americans and extend beyond just the southern border, but also include the often overlooked northern border.
Highlighting the magnitude of the issue, Governor Haley mentioned the staggering number of immigrants that have crossed the borders in recent times. She noted that only 142,000 individuals were sent back last year, while eight million immigrants entered the country on the northern border. Equally alarming was the mention of fentanyl, a deadly drug, crossing the borders in large quantities. Fentanyl has become the number one cause of death for adults aged 18 to 45.
To address these concerns and tackle illegal immigration, Governor Haley proposed a comprehensive plan. Drawing from her previous experience as governor, she emphasized the need for stricter immigration laws. Her proposed plan includes the implementation of a national E-Verify program, which would compel businesses to verify the legality of their employees' immigration status. Additionally, she plans to bolster border security by deploying 25,000 border patrol and ICE agents. Governor Haley also intends to eliminate sanctuary cities, thereby removing any safe havens for those residing in the country without legal status.
Governor Haley firmly asserted the need to reinstate the 'remain in Mexico' policy to prevent individuals from setting foot on U.S. soil without proper documentation. Instead of the previous catch and release approach, she advocates for a catch and deport model, ensuring that those who enter the country illegally are promptly sent back. This approach may sound harsh, but Governor Haley believes it is necessary to discourage further illegal immigration and maintain the rule of law.
Furthermore, she expressed concern over granting temporary protective status to half a million Venezuelans, as this not only burdens the U.S. with additional social security numbers and driver's licenses but also encourages further illegal immigration by attracting family members through word of mouth. Governor Haley emphasized the importance of respecting the laws of the country and prioritizing those who are following legal channels to immigrate.
Governor Haley concluded her remarks by highlighting the imperative of national security. She urged Americans to remember the lessons learned from September 11th and to remain vigilant in safeguarding the country from potential threats. Governor Haley emphasized the need to secure the border, build a wall, and enforce the deportation of those who enter the country illegally. By doing so, she believes that the United States can protect both its citizens and the principles upon which the country was founded.