Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) traveled to his primary opponent’s hometown this week on April 26 to sign into law the income tax relief bill recently approved with large, bipartisan majorities in the Georgia Legislature. The tax cut enacted by Governor Kemp will move Georgia from a progressive income tax with a top rate of 5.75% to a flat 4.99% income tax by 2029.
“This is designed to put more money into hardworking Georgians’ pockets,” Governor Kemp said to attendees of the bill signing event, which was held at the White Diamond Grill in Bonaire, Georgia.
“This is a historic moment in Georgia,” said Senator Chuck Hufstetler (R), who chairs the Georgia Senate Finance Committee. “This is only the second income tax rate cut since it was put in, in 1937. It’s something to be proud of.”
Congresswoman Nikema Williams (D), who serves as chairwoman of the Georgia Democratic Party, responding to the bill signing by criticizing the tax relief enacted by Kemp:
“Brian Kemp’s shift to a flat income tax is a boon for the wealthy, and stands consistent with his record of serving the well-off and well-connected while leaving behind working Georgians by opposing Medicaid expansion and cutting funding for public schools,” said Williams.
Yet 84 out of the 99 Democrats in the Georgia House and Senate voted in favor what their party chair now calls “a boon for the wealthy.”
“Many of my caucus colleagues voted no on this bill, but once the bill was improved, many of us are voting yes to give Georgians back hard-earned money,” said House Minority Whip David Wilkerson (D), explaining in why nearly every member of the Democratic House caucus voted in flavor of the new flat tax.
In order to address revenue concerns, the phase down of the state income tax will be based on revenue triggers being met. Any year that state revenue collection grow by less than 3%, the income tax rate draw down will be paused.
Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee seeking to take Governor Kemp’s job this November, won’t say whether she supports the new state income tax cut that nearly all Democratic Georgia legislators voted for, or if she instead shares the opinion of the Georgia Democratic Party chairwoman. Every media outlet in Georgia has been unable to get Abrams’ take on the recently enacted income tax cut. This author reached out to the Abrams campaign to ask her opinion on the matter. While her campaign acknowledged the question, Ms. Abrams declined to answer.
Though Stacey Abrams won’t tell voters what she thinks about the state income tax cut that she and other Georgians just received, Abrams is attempting to tie Governor Kemp to a federal tax hike recently floated by U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL).
In a tweet criticizing Senator Scott’s proposal, Abrams wrote “U.S. Sen. Rick Scott leads the GOP effort to take the Senate + he promises to raise taxes on 40% of Georgians if they succeed. My GOP opponent – Kemp or Perdue or ? - welcome him & stay silent.”
While Abrams is trying to associate Kemp with a federal tax hike proposed by the junior senator from Florida, she has decided she is going to stay silent and that she doesn’t need to tell voters what she thinks about the recently approved state income tax cut.
It will strike many as odd that Abrams, in her bid for a state level office, is trying to tie Governor Kemp to a federal tax hike that no Republican besides Rick Scott is currently supporting. The Washington Post fact checker recently gave the Biden White House three Pinocchios for its attempt to label Senator Scott’s proposal as the official Republican plan.
“Scott is a Republican, and he is in Congress and part of the GOP leadership,” wrote Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s fact checker. “But his snippet of an idea, such as it is, cannot be labeled a ‘congressional Republican’ plan. No legislation has been crafted, and no other Republican lawmakers have announced their support.”
As Kessler pointed out, “not a single other Republican in Congress has embraced Scott’s specific tax proposal.” If it’s a bridge too far to tie all congressional Republicans to Senator Scott’s proposal, as even the Washington Post deemed to be the case, it’s even more of a stretch to try to attack a state level office holder over a federal proposal from one senator.
Since Abrams thinks it makes sense to criticize Governor Kemp over a federal proposal from another state’s junior senator, one that hasn’t even been introduced as legislation, the Abrams campaign might be inclined to weigh in on other federal tax proposals. When asked if Abrams’ supports Senate Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D) renewed push to raise taxes, the Abrams campaign declined to comment. Abrams also declined to say whether she agrees with Schumer’s recent remark that repealing the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, the 2017 tax reform bill, is the only way to get inflation under control.
Does Abrams support or oppose the income tax cut Governor Kemp signed this week? Would Abrams have voted for the income tax cut if she were still in the legislature like most Democratic state legislators? If she were already governor, would Abrams have signed or vetoed the income tax cut? If elected this November, will Abrams seek to repeal or maintain the income tax cut? No one knows the answers to those questions and Abrams doesn’t think she owes it to Georgia voters to tell them.
When she last ran for governor four years ago, then Governor Nathan Deal signed an income tax into law. Abrams came out in opposition to that 2018 income tax cut, only to later clarify that she would not repeal it if elected governor.
As it stands, Stacey Abrams apparently thinks it’s fair game to attack Governor Kemp over a federal proposal that is not backed by any other Republican lawmakers other than Rick Scott and, as such, is not going anywhere. Meanwhile Abrams is staying silent on the tax hikes being pushed by Senate leadership from her party. Likewise, Abrams remains mum on whether she would keep the state income tax cut recently enacted by Governor Kemp, or whether she would try to repeal it if elected this November. If Abrams is being this opaque about major policy decisions right now, some Georgia voters will likely question how transparent Abrams would be once in office.