Governor Andy Beshear took a break from co-hosting the annual Appalachian Regional Commission meeting in Ashland Monday to make nearly $4 million dollars' worth of grant announcements in Greenup County. According to an administration news release, $3.3 million of that will go towards extending broadband Internet to homes and businesses. State Senator Robin Webb had this to say:
“When we as a General Assembly appropriate these funds, it showed great faith in the executive branch that it would be done well. And if it's based on need, Rocky, you know, we need it here and I said that broadband investment literally brought me to tears.”
Webb was referring to Beshear aide and former House Majority Leader Rocky Adkins, who was with the governor. Before traveling to Greenup – the county seat of Greenup County – the governor praised members of both parties who made such announcements possible.
“I'm proud to assign over 620 bipartisan bills authored by many of these legislators that are up here working together to get things done.” Applause.
At the Monday morning A-R-C meeting, Beshear and co-chair Gayle Manchin announced a total of more than 1-point-5 million dollars in grants for five Kentucky projects. Beshear is running for reelection this fall against Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron.
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