Hunter leaders and community representatives have been invited to apply for positions on the region's expert panel.
The panel will provide local knowledge and advice to the state government on projects and initiatives that will support economic diversification and create future jobs in coal mining communities.
A competitive recruitment process will be run to identify community representatives who can provide regionally specific advice on applications for funding through the NSW Government's $25million Royalties for Rejuvenation Fund.
"The advice from the Regional Expert Panels will help deliver local solutions to enable a strong and secure future for coal mining communities," Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said.
"Local people from each region are encouraged to apply - they are the people who know their region best and will be able to advise on how best we can invest funding towards projects that will establish new industries and employment opportunities into the future."

Panels will also be established in the Illawarra, Central West and North West regions.
"The Royalties for Rejuvenation Fund will play an important role in ensuring coal mining communities in NSW have a strong and vibrant future and Regional Expert Panel members will play a part in helping to ensure funding is invested in projects that best suit local needs," Deputy Secretary for Regional Development and Programs Chris Hanger said.
"We are seeking applications from people who have knowledge of the economic or commercial activity and opportunities of their coal mining region, or can represent the interests of community groups in coal mining regions.
Between 20 and 40 positions will be available across the four coal mining regions, with 5 to 10 positions to be appointed for each Regional Expert Panel.
Mr Hanger said the panels will include members with a diverse range of skills, gender, expertise, backgrounds and experiences who will meet on a regular basis and be remunerated for their role on the panel.
"It will also be essential for panel members to leverage their local knowledge and expertise to provide advice on how projects from their area will support the growth of future industries and career opportunities," Mr Hanger said.
For more information about the opportunities, including how to apply, visit www.nsw.gov.au/RoyaltiesRejuvenation.
Applications will close at 5pm on Monday 5 September 2022.