The government of India has started the process of digitising medical records with the Digital Health Card 2022. People need to register on the Health ID portal where this feature is activated. Notably, the government says that the health records will be the sole property of the individual who would also have the option to delete them at any point of time.
In order to register for the digital health card, citizens need to have an Aadhaar card or driving licence, mobile number linked to the Aadhaar card, copy of birth certificate and address proof. Moreover, people can apply for their Digital Health Card 2022 online using their Aadhaar card or driver’s licence and then completing the Digital Health Card Registration Form 2022. They can download an ABHA Digital Health Card afterwards.
Here’s how to register for the digital health card:
STEP1 Visit the Health ID portal (
STEP2 Select the create Digital Health Card button at the top.
STEP3 Click on Aadhar Card or Driver’s licence and proceed with the Next button.
STEP4 Enter the Aadhaar card number or the number of driving licence and move on to the next button.
STEP5 Fill the complete details including name, address, phone number, OTP received, and any of the other required information. This would complete the profile.
STEP6 Furthermore, fill out an online application form and the 14-digital digital health card (ABHA number) would be created.
STEP7 A notification would come about the ABHA number creation and the health ID card can be downloaded from the website.
Authorities are trying to “motivate" more private hospitals to join the government’s flagship health scheme Ayushman Bharat PMJAY, targeting a sector that’s stayed away saying permissible charges are too low.
As of now, PMJAY has a network of 25,000 empaneled hospitals—both private and public—with a 42% (11,000) share of private healthcare providers. They offer nearly 2,000 treatment procedures across 27 specialities.
Ayushman Bharat aims to cover over 100 million poor and vulnerable families, or around 500 million individuals, providing a coverage of up to ₹five lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation.