Kids playing footy in Gordon will have another winter of getting changed in shipping containers with the ACT government yet to make a start on repairing or replacing an amenities block destroyed by fire more than a year ago.
The fire, believed to have been started by arsonists, destroyed the amenities building at the Gordon No.1 oval on December 5, 2022.
The fire was reported about 5.30am on December 5 last year at the neighbourhood oval, off Midge Street.
More than a year later, the building, which also contained a canteen and toilets, is still in ruins and fenced off, the government conceding it had not even started planning a replacement facility.

A spokesperson for the government confirmed shipping containers would again be in place at the oval for the 2024 footy season.
"The ACT government is committed to replacing the damaged structure which included two change rooms and a storage facility and is currently engaging with the ACT Insurance Authority as to the best solution to fund the required works," the spokesperson said.
"The ACT government expects clarification on funds available early in the new year with the intention to move quickly to plan for the repair/rebuild of the structure.
"Temporary facilities have been provided at the ground with solar-powered shipping containers for players and spectators.
"Two containers are currently at the ground for the summer sport season. They include a change room shipping container as well as a toilet and change room.

"For the 2024 winter season, four shipping containers are expected to be on site. These will include two shipping container change rooms, toilet facilities and a canteen for players and spectators."
A Gordon resident who contacted The Canberra Times asking why the building was still not repaired or replaced said he had received the same information from the government in May.
"So they are intending to 'move quickly' for the planning stage," he said.
"I can only imagine how long it will take them to get to the building stage given that it has been 12 months and they still haven't even started planning.
"My biggest gripe with this government (and I voted for them) is that they are happy to spend money to make the city centre nice and modern but are completely ignoring the suburbs. I can't remember when Andrew Barr last visited Tuggeranong."
The amenities block is owned by the ACT government but was used to store sporting equipment owned by the Tuggeranong Valley Australian Football Netball Club.
The fire destroyed about $85,000 worth of equipment and jerseys.
Tuggeranong Valley Australian Football Netball Club president Kellie Hogan said the club was able to replace almost all of its destroyed items due to the generosity of the broader ACT community.
"We were overwhelmed with the support of the AFL Canberra community and the ACT government in helping us to replace what we lost as the result of the fire," she said.
"We welcome the opportunity to work with ACT Sports and Recreation on the future plans of the Gordon ovals."