Title: Republican Congresswoman Urges Comprehensive Border Security and Reinstatement of Trump-Era Policies
In a recent interview, Republican Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis voiced her concerns about the escalating border crisis and the need for comprehensive border security. She highlighted the impact of President Joe Biden's executive orders, which dismantled the border security measures put in place by the previous administration. Malliotakis emphasized the urgency for effective negotiations and meaningful actions to address the border situation.
Malliotakis commended the House's passage of a bill earlier this year, H.R. 2, also known as the Border Security Act, as a potential solution. The bill aimed to tackle issues related to asylum, reinstate the 'Remain in Mexico' policy, increase barriers through border wall construction, and put an end to catch and release. However, she criticized the Senate, led by Chuck Schumer, for not taking any action until negotiations regarding Ukraine funding emerged.
The Congresswoman highlighted the alarming fact that law enforcement has apprehended individuals on the terror watch list at the border. However, with an estimated two million people having evaded law enforcement altogether, concerns arise regarding who these individuals are, their whereabouts, and their intentions. Malliotakis emphasized the importance of addressing these security issues, particularly in a post-9/11 world.
As Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas prepare to visit Mexico, Malliotakis questioned the need to seek resolutions in another country. She suggested that reinstating Trump-era policies would offer a more effective solution. This could be accomplished either through the Senate passing the House bill or through President Biden undoing his executive orders.
Malliotakis also highlighted the role of the Mexican government in addressing the border crisis. She urged Mexico to collaborate on cracking down on drug cartels, who are profiting immensely from human trafficking and fentanyl trafficking across the open border. Furthermore, she stressed the need to recognize the detrimental impact of perpetuating this crisis, which allows those who pay drug cartels to bypass the line and be prioritized in court.
The Congresswoman raised concerns about the significant backlog of asylum cases, with wait times exceeding 10 years in New York alone. She argued that prioritizing individuals crossing the border and claiming asylum, despite many not meeting qualifying criteria, undermines the legal process and negatively affects those who have followed proper procedures.
In conclusion, Malliotakis called for immediate action to address the border crisis, emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive border security, the reinstatement of effective policies, and collaboration with the Mexican government to tackle drug cartels. She urged Democrats to consider the detrimental consequences of perpetuating this crisis and to prioritize the wellbeing of American citizens.