Google has recently announced a new update for its AI chatbot Gemini, aimed at addressing some of the issues users have been facing. One of the key features of this update is the ability for users to edit inaccurate text responses generated by the chatbot. This will allow users to correct any mistakes and ensure more accurate communication.
It is important to note that this editing feature is currently only available for the English version of the chatbot. Google has stated that this decision was made to maintain the integrity of the information being shared and to prevent any potential misinformation from spreading.
The update comes in response to criticism the app has faced for producing historically inaccurate images. Google's co-founder has acknowledged that the app was not thoroughly tested before its initial release, leading to these issues.
Overall, this update represents Google's commitment to improving the functionality and accuracy of its AI chatbot Gemini. By allowing users to edit responses and addressing past criticisms, Google is taking steps to enhance the user experience and ensure the chatbot provides reliable information.