As the clock ticked towards the culmination of the year, the vibrant streets of M.G. Road, Church Street, and Brigade Road came alive. As it struck 12, the crowds erupted in a cheer welcoming 2024.

The cityscape was transformed into a kaleidoscope of colours and lights, with festive decorations creating an enchanting backdrop for the diverse crowd that gathered on the streets.
Though the city police had barricaded the entire stretch making clear pathways for pedestrians, the crowds were huge and milling over each other, giving a tough time to the police.
Many were seen jumping over the barricades as well. The area was teeming with police personnel and civil defence volunteers.
Drones and door frame metal detectors were also roped in to ensure security.

Most of the bars, pubs, and restaurants in the area were pre-booked and there were no walk-ins. Staffers were collecting the credentials of partygoers as per instructions from the city police.
Adding to the excitement, various establishments had curated multiple performances, both within enclosed spaces and out in the open, for the public to enjoy.
COVID-19 did not dampen spirits
The New Year party happened amidst a rise in COVID-19 cases owing to the JN.1 variant in the city. However, that scarcely cast a shadow on the revelry. Except for a few, most people were not even seen wearing a mask on Sunday night.
The city had welcomed 2023 as well amidst similar concerns over the Omicron variant.
Women groped
This New Year’s Eve too several women complained of being groped by unidentified men on Brigade Road.
Several tiffs broke out over the misbehaviour of men on Sunday night, including one which degenerated into fisticuffs and the police had to resolve the issue.
A group of men who were misbehaving with women wore masks, which they bought from nearby street vendors, to evade being identified. The police had to direct the street vendors to not sell these masks.