Manti Te'o made his Good Morning Football debut this week. On Friday the retired NFL linebacker debated Kyle Brandt in a spirited game of Notre Dame football trivial. Te'o, of course, was one of the greatest defensive players in Fighting Irish history and was a Heisman Trophy finalist in 2012. Brandt, Zooming in from the road again, put up a good fight but ultimately lost.
The tie-breaking question asked how many tackles Te'o had in his time at Notre Dame. Brandt had no idea, but guessed 323. Te'o also had to guess because as he admitted, he hadn't Googled himself in over a decade, "for obvious reasons."
Everyone lost it.
If you were wondering if Manti Te'o has Google Alerts for his name. Well... https://t.co/7XWIGNhUFK pic.twitter.com/sDJd5r33qu
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) August 16, 2024
Te'o just recently joined the NFL Network. It's unclear how often he'll be on Good Morning Football, but he certainly brings good vibes to the set. He's a little rough around the edges when it comes to exploring the studio—Erdahl had to call him out for turning his back to the camera during the segment—but his enthusiasm seems like an obvious match for GMFB.
This article was originally published on www.si.com as ‘Good Morning Football’ Crew Loses It After Manti Te'o Jokes About Googling Himself.