GoG is hosting a substantial sale and discounting some of the best PC games around bundled together and even separately. You can grab the Yakuza: Complete Series bundle for just $33.92, which is seven meaty action games for less than the cost of a single Diablo 4 cosmetic or Overwatch 2 skin.
The name is also slightly misleading. It includes every Yakuza game from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, but not Like A Dragon or Like A Dragon Ishin. It’s more of a Kiryu bundle than the complete Yakuza series, though if you want to get technical about it, the two missing games aren’t actually called Yakuza.
Anyway, the point is, the Yakuza games wrap some of the best storytelling in the medium around a unique slice-of-life format, with some exciting, over-the-top action in between. The saga follows Kazuma Kiryu, a former member of a high-ranking yakuza clan who grew disenchanted with the greed and cruel ambition of his fellow family members.
Over the course of the story, Kiryu gets accused of murder, clears his name, goes to prison, raises an orphan, and falls in love, all against the backdrop of commentary on social life in Japan and the relationship between yakuza and city and local government.
It’s quite the saga, but the team at RGG Studio balances the series’ heavier moments with plenty of lighthearted and even downright ridiculous moments, including karaoke competitions and hiring a chicken to run a real estate business.
If you’re not keen on committing to the entire bundle, you can grab smaller bundles at a discount – the Yakuza Bundle, featuring 0, Kiwami 1, and Kiwami 2 for $13.49, for example – or purchase them individually at a pretty steep price cut.
All these sales last through July 3, 2023, on GoG’s website.
Meanwhile, RGG Studio is releasing Yakuza Gaiden in November 2023, a side story featuring Kiryu after his retirement, and the next mainline Yakuza game 2024 – Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. The latter follows Like A Dragon protagonist Ichiban Kasuga and Kiryu in the series’ first adventure outside Japan.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF