Most of us will remember the water cycle from school so, surely, no matter how much water we use in the shower, it will eventually come back as rain, right? Well, kind of, but it takes huge amounts of processing to get it clean and into your pipes again. So this is another of those times when less is more in terms of protecting the planet. Here are some simple ways for saving water (and energy) when you shower …
1. Time your playlist
Showers generally use less water than baths – as long as you don’t stretch them out for too long. A typical eight-minute electric shower whooshes through about 40 litres of water compared with double that for a bath. But if you cut your shower time to five minutes, your usage would be down to about 25 litres (which is, incredibly, still more than many households believe they use in a day). Having a playlist that lasts, say, five minutes will act as a reminder and save you water and energy – while keeping your housemates or other half from hammering on the door, wondering what on earth is taking you so long.
2. Skip the ‘everything shower’
The multitasking shower may have become a TikTok trend, but do you really need to do all the things all the time? Keep your big shave/exfoliate/mask sesh for special occasions. And while you do them, turn off the water whenever you can – making sure you shut the window while you perform your various rituals to keep the shower warmth in.
3. Choose energy-saving hardware
One way to reduce your water use is to install aerating or low-flow showerheads, which make a smaller amount go further. Alternatively, the new Mira Sport Max Dual has Mira Airboost technology that is designed to amplify the water-flow power by up to 30%, without using any extra water. It also has a heating element that can halve limescale build-up, which is a common reason for showers becoming less effective (and more energy guzzling) over time. And if you do need some help? Mira Showers has repair and replacement services so you can love and use your shower for longer.
4. Body brush first
In the same way as many hairdressers recommend brushing before washing to dislodge dirt and loose hair, a dry body brush could stimulate the skin and give you a head start on shifting the grub. You’ll also get that tingly shower feeling started sooner. If you’re really keen to save water and energy, check out the navy shower, developed for use on ships that had limited water supplies. With its mantra “Sprinkle! Soap! Scrub! Shower!”, it’s a way to wash while barely turning on the shower – you might use less than two minutes’ worth of water.
5. Waste not, want not
You can waste an awful lot of water waiting for a traditional shower to warm up – twisting the knobs up until you can bear to step in, then twisting them back down as it gets too hot. If you’re a plant lover, catch the water in a container while you get the temperature right, then use it for watering later (you can use this trick with kitchen taps, too). Alternatively, cut the faff and get an electric shower instead, making everything so much easier.
6. Go a little lower
Speaking of temperature, turning your shower down by just a little, even 1C, will save energy, so why not try showering below your usual toasty levels. Even better, choosing a lower heat could protect your skin’s natural oils and good bacteria, too. Handily, the new Mira Sport Max Dual lets you control the spray mode and temperature separately, remembers how you like it and includes an eco mode, allowing you to opt to use less energy during the summer months.
7. Embrace the evening
Opinions are divided about the best time of day to shower, but there’s undoubtedly joy – and energy savings – in mixing it up. Switch off those bright bathroom lights and enjoy a candlelit shower as (if you’re lucky) evening birdsong fills the air. Baths are not the only way to unwind.
8. Try a short shiver shower
Experimenting with controlled cold-water exposure? Presuming you’re in good health, there are gallons of purported benefits – especially for runners – and finishing your shower with a shot of cold is one way to try it. But you don’t need to hose yourself for long; introduce it carefully for a few seconds, and remember even the biggest devotees say you don’t need more than a couple of minutes max to feel the benefits.
9. Bring a friend
Like someone enough to share your shower with them? Well then, the Mira Sport Max Dual with its overhead shower head and a multi-spray handset, is the one for you!
Find out more about installing the Mira Sport Max and how it could elevate your day. Mira Showers offers a shower replacement service, using Mira approved engineers to give you complete peace of mind