Gisèle Pelicot, a survivor of mass rape, made a bold decision to publicly reveal her identity during the trial of her ex-husband and other perpetrators. In a powerful statement outside the courtroom, Pelicot expressed that she has no regrets about her choice to waive her anonymity.
Despite the option to keep the trial private under French law, Pelicot chose to speak out to shed light on the horrors she endured and to inspire other victims of sexual violence to come forward. Her bravery and determination to confront the issue of rape in society were evident throughout the trial.
Speaking to reporters after the sentencing of the men involved in her assault, Pelicot emphasized her belief in the collective ability to create a future where both women and men can coexist in harmony and mutual respect.

Throughout the trial, Pelicot reiterated her decision to reveal her identity as a call for society to address the pervasive issues of machismo and patriarchy that contribute to sexual violence. Her actions have sparked important conversations about the need for societal change.
Supporters and activists gathered outside the court to show solidarity with Pelicot, expressing gratitude for her courage. However, there was disappointment among campaigners as some of the perpetrators received shorter sentences than expected, with a few even walking free with suspended sentences.
Gisèle Pelicot's unwavering determination to seek justice and challenge societal norms surrounding sexual violence serves as a beacon of hope for survivors and advocates fighting for a more just and equitable future.